Shelley Gilbert’s weekly yoga class is held at 32 Winds, nestled alongside the banks of Dry Creek just outside of town. Sherry Harkins generously donates the winery space. Shelley donates her teaching. Afterwards, practitioners share a glass of wine and socialize in the winery’s loggia and gardens.
Classes are free. In return, participants are asked to donate to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. Shelley has Parkinson’s disease. Yoga is her way of staying active and healthy, and living courageously with a progressive disease.
All levels are welcome. Class is held every Monday evening, from 5:30-6:30pm. There is no need to sign up, participants can just drop in or shoot an email to Shelley at sr***********@gm***.com. Check out yoga Healdsburg style and do a good deed—for yourself and others.
Fun facts: One hundred and thirty years ago, yoga came to America. A young yogi, 30 years old, heard about a gathering of religions in America. As an uninvited guest, he decided to travel from Calcutta to Chicago to attend the World’s Parliament of Religions.
Speaking before the august body on Sept. 11, 1893, Vivekananda electrified his audience with his speech and first words: “Sisters and brothers of America.” He believed living beings are a divine manifestation, all worthy of love in all conditions. He chided religions’ fanaticism and taught Bhakti yoga—yoga of the heart. The ripple effect of his four years of teaching in America, from 1893-1897, are still felt and seen in yoga classes everywhere.
Vivekananda means “the bliss of wisdom.” Returning to India, Vivekananda passed while meditating, an act called mahasamadhi, on July 4, 1902.