At its meeting this week, the West Sonoma County Union High School District’s (WSCUHSD) human resources director will reveal the name of the frontrunning candidate who has accepted the principal position for the consolidated high school. The meeting is being held on April 14 at 6 p.m.
The WSCUHSD board of trustees is scheduled to consider approving the employment contract, according to the regular board meeting agenda that is bursting at the seams with items.
The agenda and Zoom link can be accessed here.
Per the agenda, a paper screening committee narrowed the search down to two candidates out of four applications the district received between March 17 and March 31 when the position was posted nationally.
The agenda continues to say that the first interview committee, composed of half Analy and half El Molino staff, students and parents, in addition to Superintendent Toni Beal, put forward one finalist to meet with the second and final interview committee who ultimately offered the finalist the role. 
The board may approve the individual’s employment contract to take effect July 1, 2021 toward the end of the meeting.
Consent calendar and reports out
First, the board will consider the consent calendar to approve the March 10 and March 16 meeting minutes, the payment of warrants from March 1 through March 31and a Quarterly Williams Union Complaint Report that features no complaints received between Jan. 1 through March 31.
Then, the board is slated to report any actions taken on closed session items, which consist of a conference with labor negotiators, Superintendent Toni Beal and California School Employee Association (CSEA), and a superintendent evaluation after a brief 5 p.m. open session.
Next come student board representative, principal and association reports, and a board president report that the agenda notes to address a “Becky Hopper Award Committee.”
The superintendent’s report is noted to address the unity committee with student, staff and community teams, a bell schedule committee, a new school model committee, curriculum committee and a LCAP committee, according to the agenda.
Consolidation communication protocols and more
Last but not least on the education services section of the agenda, the superintendent is requesting that the trustees give direction on next steps regarding communication between the board and the community on consolidation and whether certain protocols are in order.
The Governance Handbook does not provide protocols for communicating through a consolidation process, the agenda said.
Beforehand, the board is scheduled to consider approving May as the WSCUHSD Employee Appreciation Month and to consider approving the updated Memorandum of Understanding between the district and West Sonoma County Teachers Association for the 2020-21 school year in terms of COVID-19. 
The agenda then lists the board to receive the first reading of the California School Boards Association’s recommended March updates to board policies and administrative regulations and a first reading of a curriculum list coming up for approval in May.
Board to consider various audit reports
The board of trustees will consider approving a monthly budget update, the district audit report for the 2019-20 fiscal year as well as a corrective action of the 2019-20 audit findings.
Furthermore, the board will consider approving a 2019-20 Measure K parcel tax audit and another audit report for the district’s Measure I and Measure A bond funds for the 2019-20 fiscal year.
Board to consider resolution on eliminating classified positions and notifying staff
In addition to considering an employment contract for the consolidated comprehensive high school’s principal, the board will also be presented with a resolution regarding cutting classified positions and “Directing Notification of Classified Employees,” the agenda states.
According to the agenda, the District Administrative Team found classified positions to drop in the next school year after the board agreed to consolidate and that Director of Human Resources Mia Del Prete and site administrators would meet with affected classified workers before the April 14 meeting.
Last, the board will decide whether to approve a license agreement to allow BaM Productions Inc. to film a commercial on the Analy campus for Athleta, “a women’s fitness clothing company” and “part of GAP Inc.,” the agenda said.
The agenda finally slates the board to head back into a closed session if needed before ending the meeting.

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