Special meeting will also include a report on enrollment and interdistrict and intradistrict transfers, as well as school discipline reports
The West Sonoma County Union High School District (WSCUHSD) is having a special meeting this Wednesday, Sept. 23, with open session beginning at 6 p.m. To view the agenda for the board meeting and to get information for the meetingā€™s Zoom call, click hereĀ 
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan
As part of the meeting, the district board will be reviewing the districtā€™s Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan. For this year, the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan is taking the place of the Local Control and Accountability Plan. The new plan will be used to outline district goals for distance learning, as well as account for uses of distance learning-specific funding and state-set requirements for distance learning.
As part of the approval for the plan, the district held an open hearing on Sept. 9. To view the districtā€™s plan, click here.Ā 
Enrollment and Interdistrict/Intradistrict Transfers
Per the board meeting agenda, district enrollment has continued to decline and is lower than what was predicted in May. According to the report, Analy has 45 students less than what was predicted and both El Molino and Laguna have nine less students than predicted. While enrollment numbers for this year wonā€™t impact the funding levels for districts due to COVID-19 ā€” all California school districts will be funded based on February 2020 enrollment ā€” itā€™s important to note the ongoing enrollment decline in west county, as well as throughout the county as a whole.
When it comes to interdistrict transfers, the number of transfers into the district has declined by 36 students and the number of requests to leave the district has also increased by 9 students, resulting in a decrease of 45 students during the 2020-21 school year.Ā 
Annual Site Discipline Reports
The three school sites in the west Sonoma County Union High School District present discipline results every year and on Wednesday will be presenting reports pertaining to the 2019-20 school year. The presentations given by each school site will cover the number of referrals and percent for each category processed by administrators in 2019-20, as well as suspension and expulsion data for each site over the past three years.
ā€œLast year, the district implemented an updated discipline system that incorporates restorative practices. This updated system was designed to address the California Data Dashboard 18-19 report that showed the district in the orange indicator with 7.5% of the population suspended at least once in the school year.Ā  This was an increase of 3% from the previous school year and 4% higher than the state average of 3.5% for the same year,ā€ reads the agenda report for the item.

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