The Windsor Presbyterian Church is hosting two special holiday events this week, a luminary labyrinth walk on Dec. 2 and a community blue Christmas church service on Dec. 4. Both events are being held in person at the Windsor Presbyterian Church.
The luminary labyrinth walk will take place on Dec. 2 from 5 to 7 p.m. Lighted bags will be set along a special path of meditation and prayer “for those eager to enjoy the light and joy of Christmas, as well as those who may be struggling this year,” reads a press release from the church.
Walking a labyrinth is an ancient practice that dates back to the Middle Ages. Churches and cathedrals across Europe would design intricate labyrinths designed to represent a spiritual journey for those who could not make the long and arduous pilgrimage to Rome or Jerusalem.
“We may not have a tradition of pilgrimages as much anymore,” the congregation’s pastor, Rev. Mary Beene said in a statement, “but offering this event the evening of the tree lighting on the Windsor Town Green gives those who are looking for something deeper an opportunity to reflect on what they want to carry through and beyond this Christmas.”
 Walking the labyrinth involves following the path that leads to an elaborate design and then following the same path back out. Unlike a maze, a labyrinth only has one path.
“There are no wrong turns and each person experiences the time in their own way,” said Beene, a trained spiritual director who often works with groups and individuals using the labyrinth. The luminaries that line the path will be lighted with electric candles to avoid fire danger.
Last year during the first labyrinth event, all ages were able to walk on the path and once again, all ages are welcome.

Blue Christmas service

On Saturday, Dec. 4, the church will host a community blue Christmas service starting at 5:30 p.m. The service will include quiet meditation and candle lighting.
“Everyone is expected to be excited and constantly happy during this season, but some people are sad, grieving or just want a break from the hustle and bustle,” Beene said. 
Following the service, the church will host a second labyrinth walk from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. both events are open to all.
The Windsor Presbyterian Church is located at 251 Windsor River Road in Windsor.

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