Why not hire local?
EDITOR: It is very unfortunate that our county board of supervisors, after proclaiming that we should buy local and hire local, have decided to hire lawyers from San Diego and Dallas, Texas to represent Sonoma County.
Where is the common sense in that? Put your money where your mouth is. It seems to us that Sonoma County attorneys, many of whom have gone through this disaster themselves, would have more empathy and sensitivity to our fire victims.
These out of town firms do not have any presence in our community and do not know this area. They will cost more, because of course they will have to charge travel time and lodging. Sonoma County attorneys are more familiar with Northern California courts and with the people of this area. They also have better access to the evidence.
We have faith in our Sonoma County trial lawyers, many of whom have generously supported our local fundraisers and charities for many years. We believe the North Bay and Sonoma County in particular have some of the finest attorneys in the state.
We have a lot of decent, honorable attorneys, investigators and other legal support groups who would do a great job representing us. Let our own guys lead us out of this mess. That would create the best chance for the people of Sonoma County to receive full justice.
Or does it just come down to who has the best marketing team?  Welcome to the corporate culture.
Douglas and Roseanna Boaz

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