Celebrate the idea
EDITOR: Your editorial “The idea of California” resonated with me — with a touch of pride. Of note, is another feature of California that makes it culturally unique, in a very enlightened way. California has its own EPA, known as CalEPA, as well as Prop 65, The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, generated by our state’s general electorate.
This last spring, when Scott Pruitt, chief of our national EPA, decided to lift the ban on chlorpyrifos, CalEPA sprang into action. Chlorpyrifos is the most toxic chemical in wide usage, was used by the Nazis during their genocidal reich, and is the biggest single reason for buying organic produce. It is now known to damage developing brains, which is why CalEPA’s panel of scientists voted unanimously to add chlorpyrifos to the Prop 65 list, so it cannot contaminate our water sources.
Scott Pruitt has generated a long to-do list for CalEPA, as well as other groups dedicated to actually protecting our environment. Chlorpyrifos represents a landmark beginning, and another reason to celebrate the idea of California.
Katherine Foster, MD
Member, Physicians for Social Responsibility

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