On Thursday, July 23, from 6 to 7:30 pm, Omar Paz, Jr., will speak to the Windsor Democratic Club, via Zoom, concerning critically important issues facing Sonoma County’s workers and residents. 
His organization, North Bay Jobs with Justice, is one of the founders of a new organization, Sonoma County United in Crisis (SCUIC). SCUIC’s website (http://socounitedincrisis.org/) opens with this:
“Just as our fires brought the vast inequalities in Sonoma County to the surface, so too has the COVID-19 pandemic. Rather than corporate bailouts and commitments to simply not evict families ‘for now’ we need a real community bailout.
One in five Sonoma County residents are living in poverty and hundreds of thousands are now out of work. Members of our community need to know they will not lose work permanently and come out of this pandemic owing thousands of dollars to landlords and banks.”
Paz and SCUIC are advocating that local governments adopt several new policies to become more responsible for caring for the whole community, and to prioritize these policies, and that if we do this right, we will not just survive but thrive. But they argue that our communities cannot wait — every day in which bold action is not taken is another day that families, tenants, seniors, immigrants, workers, and our unhoused community struggle to survive.
The Sonoma County Democratic Party endorsed the SCUIC platform on Tuesday, July 14, at their central committee meeting. At the Windsor Dems July 23 meeting, Paz will describe these policies and answer questions about how they can be implemented.
To attend the meeting, join the Zoom call at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89711402154
For further information, call Rick Massell at 707-696-9364, or email him at ri***@so***.net

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