A protest was held in Cloverdale on May 31, bringing in around 50 people over a two-hour period.

Curfew currently set until June 4
The town of Windsor has enacted a curfew effective immediately, according to various statements released on the evening on June 1. This curfew is between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m., lasting until the morning of Thursday, June 4 at 5 a.m., according to Windsor Police Department.
The mandatory curfew requires residents of Windsor to stay home during the hours listed.
“If you are not a Windsor resident, travel into the town is discouraged and enforcement action may be taken against you,” warned the Nixle sent out to alert residents.  
The curfew comes as a response to what is being characterized as “credible threats,” but appears to spring from fliers being distributed at the Santa Rosa protests telling people to come to Windsor after 9 p.m. to continue the protest. Similar comments were allegedly made over social media.
“The town of Windsor has imposed a town-wide curfew due to the threat of civil unrest, looting, damage and vandalism of property that have been spurred by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis,” said a statement from the town staff. “The curfew is intended to keep the community safe and to assist our law enforcement.”
The curfew comes on the heels of a peaceful protest that occurred during daylight hours, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and that went off with no problems. Those protesters will be returning to the Green at the same time today.
Windsor Mayor Dominic Foppoli posted a video on social media at 10:30 p.m. on June 1, where he stood with police chief Ruben Martinez and members of the WPD on the edge of the Town Green.
“In response to very recent credible threats that groups responsible for unrest in Santa Rosa were planning to come to Windsor, curfews have been enacted for Windsor tonight through Thursday morning at 5 a.m.” Foppoli wrote in a post accompanying the video.
“There’s been a lot of rumors about what’s going on at the Town Green and I wanted to show you that nothing is going on, besides our amazing Windsor PD protecting our town,” Foppoli said in the video. “We had an amazing, peaceful protest this afternoon and it was great to see a lot of young people expressing their opinion and their passion. But, with that said, we’ve decided to for the good of the town to enact a curfew.”
Martinez briefly explained the terms of the curfew, and added, “If you are not a resident in the town, please don’t come over. We want peaceful protests and we’re going enforce the curfew. Please be safe everyone.”
The video concludes with Foppoli thanking the WPD and telling residents to “sleep well.”

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