The Windsor Town Council will consider five regular agenda items and make three proclamations before adjourning to closed session to discuss Town Manager Ken MacNab’s resignation at their Sept. 15 meeting.

Analysis of potential revenue options and tax measure requirements

The council will receive a presentation from consultant Management Partner regarding potential revenue options and tax measure requirements in relation to the near-term economic impacts resulting from COVID-19.

A January report from Management Partners found a long-range structural budget deficit “that if left unaddressed would significantly deplete the town’s general fund reserve over the next 10 years,” according to the staff report. 

At its April 7 meeting, the council considered budget strategies including a revenue measure that could come before voters in the future. On Aug. 1, council members authorized up to $100,000 for Management Partners to evaluate potential revenue measures to address the anticipated budget deficit.


Downtown banner replacement

Economic Development Manager Tim Ricard will present a proposed design scheme to replace existing banners and pennants in downtown, and the council will provide direction to staff on the project.

In 2003, stakeholders including town staff, the Windsor Chamber of Commerce, business owners and graphic designers designed banners and pennants that are displayed 10 months per year in the Old Downtown. 

“After almost 20 years the banners have exceeded their intended lifespan and have deteriorated due to exposure to the elements,” the staff report reads.

The town collaborated with The Engine is Red, a creative firm out of Santa Rosa that has worked to update the town’s economic development and branding messaging, including the Discover Windsor website, to develop draft banner designs. The proposed banners will be composed of the highly durable Sunbrella fabric used in the current banners, with an expected lifespan of 10-15 years.

Purchase of Property at 450 Duncan Drive and 475 Ginny Drive

The council will consider a resolution approving the purchase of two parcels, located at 450 Duncan Drive and 475 Ginny Drive, with $650,000 from Park Development funds. Council has already met with and provided direction to town staff in closed session. A formal offer has been made, and the property owner has accepted.

The resolution comes before council as part of its Keiser Park Master Plan, which includes both an expansion of the park as well as the addition of aquatic and multi-use recreational facilities deemed in the interest of long-term community priorities.

Interim appointments to commissions

Mayor Sam Salmon will make appointments to vacancies on the Parks and Recreation Commission and Public Art Advisory Commission, in addition to receiving approval to make appointments to the Senior Citizen Advisory commission and the Planning Commission in response to unscheduled interim vacancies.

League of California Cities 2021 Policy and Bylaws Resolutions

The town council will provide direction to its voting delegate to the League of California Cities (LCC) Bylaws, Mayor Sam Salmon, on three resolutions to be considered by the LCC at its Sept. 24 Annual Business Meeting.


The council will make three proclamations at the start of their meeting: one will approve the Sonoma County Gold Resolution and endorse the United Kindness Campaign; another will proclaim Sept. 15 through Oct. 15 Latino Heritage Month, which celebrates those whose ancestors were indigenous to North, Central and South America; and a third will proclaim the week of Sept. 19 to 25 as “Creek Week” and Sept. 20 to 26 as “Pollution Prevention Week.”

Consent Calendar Items

10.1: Approval of minutes for the June 2 and June 16 Town Council meetings 

10.2: Approval of $3,094,513.10 in disbursements from Aug. 5 through Aug. 31 made for personnel, supplies and services.

10.3:Approval of a $47,000 professional services agreement with The Engine is Red for on-call creative services to assist with economic-development-focused branding and messaging.

10.4: 1) Adopt a Town Council resolution approving a subdivision improvement agreement for 19th Hole Drive Subdivision and approving final map; 2) Adopt a District Board resolution accepting the Windsor Water District Facilities Easements as shown on the final map for 19th Hole Drive Subdivision.
10.5: By motion, authorize the town manager to execute a School Resource Officer agreement with the Windsor Unified School District, which acts as liaison between the Windsor Police Department and WUSD, for a payment of $37,135 to the town.

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