Residents of Windsor are invited to come to the Mary Agatha Furth Center at 8400 Old Redwood Highway on Saturday, Dec. 19, from noon to 4 p.m., to pick up free, fully-cooked holiday dinners as part of a “Feed the Hungry” program for members of the local community. The “warm and serve” meals will be available in a drive-thru format.
“Our small team of volunteers will abide by all current public health requirements for social distancing including the wearing of face masks and/or shields, gloves as well as washing hands and using hand sanitizers,” said Gary Quackenbush, executive director of the Windsor Care Network, a charitable organization that has collaborated with churches, social and civic clubs and individuals in town to provide free annual holiday dinners in Windsor since 2010.
“Several of our volunteers will be outdoors with only a few in the kitchen working at least six feet apart. For everyone’s safety, all volunteers will be screened with a head temperature measurement device before being allowed to participate,” he said.
He said hunger is a major concern in Sonoma County with reports indicating that upwards of 30,000 people are experiencing food insecurity every day. “Everyone involved in this program wants to do what they can to relieve this situation and extend a helping hand in these uncertain times.”
Those driving to the Furth Center should enter the site by turning off Old Redwood Highway at Alden Lane next to the Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church (not at the usual front entrance), and then turn right into the parking lot. This route is planned so traffic will not back up on Old Redwood Highway. Follow signs and traffic cones placed around the back of the building to the road adjacent to the Furth Center kitchen. Watch for masked volunteers ready to take your order.
Volunteers will ask each driver for a last name and the number of dinners requested (up to five per car order while supplies last). By the time each car arrives at the pickup point the order should be packaged, bagged and ready for transfer to vehicles when the driver’s name is called. Home delivery is available for those over the age of 65 without transportation as well for those with other physical challenges.
To order a delivered meal, call 707-322-1882 to order before Friday, Dec. 18 at 5 p.m.
The meals are free, however, those wishing to make a donation can do so at the pickup point. Those wanting to make tax-deductible donations can mail their checks to Gary Pierce at P.O. Box 136, Windsor, CA, 95492. Make the check payable to: St. Vincent de Paul and write Windsor Care Network, or WCN, in the memo space. Please provide your mailing address so a receipt and tax-exempt letter can be returned to you.