The California Native Plant Society will present Walter Earle’s
talk on Wildflower Walks on the Sonoma Coast on Tuesday, April 19
at 7:30 p.m. at the Luther Burbank Art and Garden Center at 2050
Yulupa Ave. in Santa Rosa. Earle will discuss places along the
coast to walk and enjoy the spring flowers, including the Kortum
and Pomo trails. Earle, along with Margaret Graham, is the longtime
owner of Mostly Natives in Tomales. He is the past president of the
Sonoma County Milo Baker Chapter of the California Native Plant
Society. Admission is free and refreshments will be served.
Cautionary tale of gang life
Luis Rodriguez, who struggled against the misfortunes of a
troubled and impoverished youth and is now an award-winning writer,
will host a lecture and discussion at the Sonoma County Central
Library in Santa Rosa on Saturday, April 16 at 2 p.m. Rodriguez
wrote a memoir of gang life, “Always Running,” as a cautionary tale
for his 15-year-old son.
Word Box
“The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and
dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had
nothing else in the universe to do.” – Galileo Galilei
“He who would be friends with God must remain alone or make the
whole world his friend.” – Mohandas K. Gandhi
Got Words?
Send your Word Box submissions to:
“Word Box” P.O. Box 521, Sebastopol, CA. 95473 or P.O. Box 518,
Healdsburg, CA 95448 or email: ba***@so********.com
Discoveries and Do Dates
your input and submission of local items. Send your items two
weeks prior to the intended date of publication. Include name,
phone contact and any photographs. (Sorry, photos cannot be
Mail to: Do Dates, P.O. Box 521, Sebastopol, CA 95473; Fax:
823-7508; E-Mail: dodates