There will be two eclipses this month. Eclipses occur 4-6 times
each year and occur when the Moon and Sun are conjunct to each
other (new Moon) or in opposition to each other (full Moon) both by
latitude and longitude. Usually one precedes the other by about 2
weeks. They are obviously not the rarest of transits, but their
appearance is considered unusual. Thus theories have evolved over
time that attempt to interpret the significance of eclipses and
their effects on human experience. One of them is that an eclipse
begins a period that is characterized by certain patterns of energy
that can lead to consciousness development. One way that eclipses
do that is by coinciding with something called the Nodes of the
Moon. There is a South Node and a North Node and, when taken as a
unit, describe an evolutionary direction for a person to follow in
a lifetime. The South Node represents where we come from in terms
of past life experiences, qualities, traits and characteristics
that we developed at that time. The North Node suggests a place (by
house) and a way (by sign) to enhance our evolutionary potential.
Most people are not born at the time of an eclipse, but we all have
the nodal axis of the Moon that provides this sense of direction.
If all we do is continue to pursue the experience of the South
Node, we are stagnating by taking the course of least resistance.
It’s OK to utilize what we have earned the right to do or to be,
but the place to go in order to maximize our evolutionary potential
is by putting time and energy toward our North Node.
Some people have planets close to or conjunct the South Node and
nothing at all near the North Node. For these people, there is
still work to be done in order to complete what was started in the
past. They might have much desire or may assume they lack the
ability to move in the direction of their North Node until around
mid-life. Then doors will open in terms of both opportunity and
desire that make the journey toward the North Node exiting and
If we have energy near the North Node instead of the South, we
are in a place of being able to grow and evolve just by activating
the energy associated with those planets.
Sometimes, although this is fairly rare, a person will have
planets near both Nodes. This is a balancing act whereby we work to
finish the job started in prior lives even as we move into the new
growth of this lifetime.
The Moon in the natal horoscope pertains to the individual soul.
Hence the Nodes of the Moon provide perspective on the recent and
current experiences of that soul. It can highlight parts of your
life that are very personal and often quite subtle. Their
importance is one reason why most contemporary astrologers include
them in readings.
Vedic astrology is practiced primarily in India, although in the
past 2 decades more Westerners are studying and practicing it. The
Vedic astrologers put so much emphasis on the Nodes that they have
given them names. The North Node is called Rahu, the South Node is
called Ketu. The position of Ketu in the natal chart suggests where
we may have some karmic challenges to address and resolve in this
lifetime. These are difficult or painful issues from past lives
that remain undealt with. Whatever our thoughts, words or actions
were in the past that caused others to suffer or that were done out
of selfishness require addressing. Failure to do so can lead to
painful experiences for ourselves in present time. On the other
hand, if we were spiritually oriented in the past, attempting to
align our energies with that of Divine Spirit, Ketu indicates where
opportunities for significant evolutionary growth can occur in this
Rahu is focused more on the material plane. It can indicate
where positive, desirable opportunities exist for us in this life.
They could pertain to wealth, professional success, relationship
fulfillment or a rewarding family life. The problem with Rahu is
that one can become seduced by the material gain and fail to seek a
transcendent perspective that promotes evolution of consciousness.
It’s fine to activate our North Node, just be careful not to become
so attached to our material blessings that we limit our
The nodal axis right now is at zero degrees Aquarius (North
Node) and Leo (South Node). The nodes transit counterclockwise
through the zodiac, so next month they move into Capricorn and
Cancer. You can personalize these transits by noting along what
house axis you have the last few degrees of Capricorn-Cancer and
first few degrees of Aquarius-Leo. The former suggests where you
can go to make positive social contacts that can lead to beneficial
opportunities for you. The latter indicates where you could put
some time and energy in order to develop a more transcendent
perspective on your life at this time.
 As important at the Nodes of the Moon are, they are not
planets. Thus, they have energy of their own. But what they offer
us is a way to enhance our temporary experience on the material
plane even as we pay attention to our growth and development in the
eternal spiritual dimension.
Aries: This is a time to open up socially and
intellectually. Making new connections can open your mind to new
ideas and points of view. Similarly, getting involved in new
activities can bring new people into your life. Growth for you
comes from maintaining your center even as your life expands.
Idealistic expectations of others can lead to disappointment or
feeling let down.
Taurus: Financial restrictions or setbacks may
appear in mid-month. It may be something as simple as wanting
something you can’t afford at this time. Growth for you comes from
developing the sense of discrimination that enables you to clearly
and accurately decide whether a purchase is justifiable or simply a
luxury. Positive professional opportunities could open up for you
in late July and early August.
Gemini: Put some time, energy and resources
into yourself this month. This is a good time to start a workout
program or any activity that enhances your appearance. This is also
a good time to get clear about your social needs and behaviors to
the point of being able to be more self-affirming in your
relationship. Growth for you comes from balancing your own needs
with any desire to be helpful to others.
Cancer: The eclipses may affect you in a major
way. Not only because the Moon is in your ruling planet, but also
because this month the full Moon is a lunar eclipse in Capricorn,
with the Sun in Cancer on the 7th, and the full Moon solar eclipse
is in Cancer on the 21st. Be especially cautious about
relationships this month. Idealism or illusion can lead to
challenging emotional situations. Being too self-protective can
cause you to miss some beneficial opportunities. Growth comes from
striving to be as emotionally present to your experience as you are
socially to the interaction with or needs of others.
Leo: The Sun is the ruling planet of Leo and it
enters your sign on the 22nd. This suggests that the next month
holds the energy of creative expression, spontaneous fun and
unexpected, enjoyable insights and breakthroughs in both
consciousness and intimate relationship. Growth for you this month
comes from expressing these energies in ways that are enjoyable and
beneficial for others even as you have a great time doing so.
Virgo: A busy month for you. A lot of activity
in the public sectors of your life keeps things interesting. Early
month could bring changes or at least interesting information
professionally. Mid-month things shift more to social events. Late
month could find you seeking more alone time and the opportunity to
process what occurred previously. Growth comes from overcoming any
tendency to be so self-contained or shy that you fail to take
advantage of the information and the changes.
Libra: This is a good time to explore and
develop a deeper relationship to life. It could be through
deepening the communication with your partner. It could be reading
books or articles about the nature of life, either from a spiritual
or scientific perspective. It could also take the form of financial
planning, both for the present as well as the future. Growth for
you this month comes from learning how to multi-task in order to
keep your life in order even as you broaden out into new interests
and activities.
Scorpio: Early month could bring some
challenges, especially in relationship to family. Unrealistic
expectations of others could cause you to feel disappointed and let
down. This in turn could lead to volatile behavior on your part.
Growth for you this month comes from two places. First, be
realistic about family members. Second, get in touch with your
anger. There’s nothing wrong with expressing it, just make sure
that it is being directed appropriately and affectively.
Sagittarius: The period of extreme potential
for consciousness development is peaking the whole month. You could
take advantage of this by reading inspirational books, attending a
stimulating lecture or simply by paying attention in casual
conversations with others. Paying attention to your dreams, writing
them down and working with them, is another available vehicle. Any
of these activities could provide the stimulation to write about
your internal experience at this time.
Capricorn: The full Moon in Capricorn on the
7th can bring attention to the emotional content of your life. Use
this event as an opportunity to become more aware of your true
feelings about the people and events in your life. Growth comes
from minimizing situations that you find boring or draining and
putting more time and energy into experiences that prove to be
affirming and supportive to you.
 Aquarius: Aquarius is the sign of the
way-shower and this is a time to let all your humanitarian impulses
shine. Get together with friends, colleagues or associates in
situations that enable everyone to feel seen, accepted and
included. You have a wonderful ability to pull people together,
whether for social enjoyment or in order to accomplish something
beneficial to all. This quality is strongly emphasized for the next
several months.
Pisces: Spiritual, artistic and social energies
and activities are all available to you this month. This is a great
time to share social activities with like-minded people, even if
you don’t know them well. This is also a good time to focus inward
and fine inspiration through creativity or spiritual discipline.
Growth for you comes from tuning in to abundant joy that is
available to you and sharing it with others.
– Rio Olesky has been studying astrology since 1967 and been
a practicing professional since 1976. The author of Astrology and
Consciousness, Rio offers classes in beginning astrology through
SRJC and ongoing classes through Crystal Channels in Santa Rosa.
Call Rio at 707-887-1820 and check out his website at

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