May 2013
Every year there are some months in which there are no major astrological events. This year, May is one of those months. However, after an alignment of six planets in Pisces in March, and five planets in Aries in April, an “average” month might be just the thing.
The new Moon in Pisces could have given birth to intense intuitive clarity, profoundly lucid dreams, inspiring creativity, transcendent spiritual awakening or just a lot of confusion. What Pisces might bring in terms of internal abundance it can take away in terms of material functionality. Whenever planets come together in a conjunction is provides energy and opportunity for a new beginning. Hopefully we were able to take advantage of the major conjunction in March to begin or new our focus on the inner planes.
The new Moon in Aries was more about being active on the material plane. Aries can be bold and comfortable with uncertainty, risk and change.  Aries is also the sign of new beginnings anyway, so the alignment in April could have been used to throw off winter’s lethargy or boredom and get started on fun spring projects or activities that pertain to whatever house (area of life experience) that those planets activated in our personal chart. The drawback to all this energy to act is that sometimes Aries can be impulsive, acting based on feelings of frustration or restlessness rather than a well thought out plan. Sometimes it may be necessary to do something over again that was originally done in haste. Now would actually be a good time to either start over again with more deliberation, or continue to build on what was begun and is working just fine. That’s because four planets (including the Moon) will be in Taurus this month. Taurus, an earth sign, is methodical, cautious and practical. By nature Taurus is a builder with an orientation to preserve and protect what it has. Taurus’ focus is to create a comfortable, stable material reality that will last.
One of the interesting phenomena this month is the annular solar eclipse on the 9th. An annular eclipse occurs when the Moon blocks all the light from the Sun except for a narrow ring extending beyond the lunar mask. It will only be visible to that extent in the South Pacific. It can be viewed in places like Australia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. There are generally two annular eclipses each year, the other will occur in November.
People have paid attention to eclipses since they have been looking at the heavens and been able to track planetary motion. We can only imagine how terrifying an eclipse must have been to cultures that had no understanding of cycles and orbits of the heavenly bodies. Suddenly, in the middle of the day, the sun is disappearing. There’s an old story of a time when priests in Egypt told the people that they had not paid enough taxes to the priests. They announced that if they didn’t put more produce or coins or whatever they had in the priestly coffers, these powerful and holy men would block out the Sun on a certain day. I assume that most people, hard working but poor, simply scoffed at this request and assumed it was a hollow threat. The priests knew about a coming eclipse, hence the timing of their edict. Sure enough on the given day, the Moon slowly covered the Sun. No doubt the people ran to provide the priests whatever they had that they assumed these men wanted. At a certain point it was announced that the people had given enough and that therefore the Sun could return. And it did.
In modern times we look at an eclipse as a rare event, but not something that is likely to be life altering. An eclipse can, however, portend rare or unusual events. For example, the Sun can pertain to the leader. In ancient times this would have been the pharaoh or king. These days it’s more likely to suggest a president or prime minister. An eclipse might suggest an unexpected event that can significantly affect a leader, often to the point of him leaving office because of death or revolution. I’m not sure how frequently that type of event actually coincides with an eclipse. If it does, I would assume that, like the eclipse itself, it would be rare. It could, however, be more frequent than at times when no eclipse takes place. Perhaps we can assume that the fear of such an event taking place is simply a remnant of the fear that grabbed the people in times when people were unaware. Nevertheless, we might still assume that in places where a leader is in a weakened position, such as Syria or, that the overthrow of the king is more likely to happen at or near the time of a solar eclipse.
This is a good time to share ideas and information with others. Growth for you comes from slowing down and seeking a deeper, more thorough understanding of things prior to communicating them. Early month might some obstacles or challenges to what you are saying or how you are saying. Use that as an opportunity to shift gears in your mind and mouth.
Spend some time gathering information about your financial situation and issues involving long-range material security. The last week of May could bring beneficial financial opportunities or an actual increase of earned income. This is also a good time to take stock of your artistic and creative tools and talents with the intention of making use of what you have.
Lots of changes for you this month as your ruling planet, Mercury, transits into 3 different signs. This will provide you with the opportunity to maximize your ability to see different aspects of yourself and your life from an interesting variety of perspectives. Growth comes from avoiding the extremes of trying to hang on to any one perspective or being so accommodating that you get fragmented and confused.
 This is a period that could extend some of the internal clarity and spiritual inspiration that occurred for you in March. Take some time to tune into and work with your dreams. Meditate. Take walks in nature. Cultivate your inner vision by spending quality alone time frequently.
 The eclipse could bring some unexpected events and changes with friends or colleagues. If nothing else, it could bring new insight and awareness about the people you hang out with. What you do with these realizations could also lead to changes in your behavior with certain people. Lots of energy to communicate this information and to act on what comes out of the conversations.
You could get fragmented this month if you try to do too much or be all things to all people. By nature you enjoy serving others. Growth for you this month comes from being able to establish and consistently enforce the limits about how much time, energy, interest and motivation you have to help others. Being realistic about these issues prevents the fragmentation and any ensuing guilt that it may cause.
Take a trip. Take a class. Read a book. This is a great time to work on expanding your intellectual horizons. Better yet, read a book while on a flight to a university! Be open to variety and spontaneous in responding to unexpected opportunities that could come up this month.
This is a good time to create new behaviors or routines in an important relationship. Communication of important information should be clear. Sense of commitment to the relationship should be strong. Even the willingness to alter old patterns that aren’t working should seem obvious.  Growth comes from not getting into a power struggle with the other person by insisting that’s it’s your way or now way. That could be part of the change.
The full Moon in Sagittarius on the 24th stimulates emotional awareness and can provide insight into what might transpire when your ruling planet, Jupiter, transits into Cancer next month. The bottom line is to seek to become more emotionally available, both to yourself as well as to others.
Two points of focus for you this month. One is to become more focused on emotional, psychological and spiritual stability. Taking time out of your mundane life, spending time alone or with a counselor would be beneficial. The other is by striving to be either more efficient with your time or being more serviceful to others. This is a good time to seek transcendence of self.
This is a good time to play and enjoy your life. Get in touch with the “inner child” and find out what he/she wants to do. This could involve being creative, athletic or romantic. This could also include actually spending more time with children. A wonderful time of year to have such enjoyable energy available.
Feelings of emotional stability can enable you to take advantage of some interesting social situations this month. This might specifically involve family members or a desire to do some entertaining in your home. Growth comes from taking the time to become aware of the inner strength and then taking advantage of it, sometimes in spontaneous ways.
Rio Olesky has been a professional astrologer since 1976. The author of “A Manual for the Modern Mystic” and “Astrology and Consciousness,” and offering private readings as well as classes for beginning and intermediate students. To inquire about readings or classes call Rio at 707-887-1820. Check out his website at

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