By now most of us are feeling the energy generated by the
transiting T-square involving Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. We
have addressed the challenges presented by this alignment in
previous columns – the opportunity to create some new and exciting
activities, the need to take responsibility for the choices and the
necessity of getting rid of attitudes and behaviors that are rigid,
authoritarian, fear based and controlling. It certainly sounds
interesting, but it can also be very difficult and stressful. One
way that I have been experiencing this alignment is by paying
attention to “the flow.”
“The flow” is a term that people use to describe a state of
being in which we are in synch with what is going on around us.
We’ve all had the experience of being in the right place at the
right time. Doors of opportunity, fulfilling relationships,
positive reinforcement and recognition just seem to come our way
wherever we are. That’s being in “the flow.” It’s as if the
universe is smiling on us, often for several days or weeks in a
row. Right now I am not feeling “the flow.” Or, rather, it seems to
be coming at me rather than with me. Several clients in the past
few weeks have shared with me that they feel incredibly excited,
inspired, courageous and energized (Jupiter and Uranus in Aries),
while simultaneously feeling burdened with increased
responsibility, guilt or fear (Saturn in Libra). Many people are
feeling the pinch financially through loss of job, foreclosure of
or the need to make fundamental changes in their orientation to
life (Pluto in Capricorn). You may feel bombarded by
confrontations, power struggles and the push-pull of hurrying to do
something exciting only to crash into a wall of resistance. It’s as
if the flow is three converging streams of energy, all coming
together at a single point in time yet running in three different
directions and at three entirely different rates.
One piece of good news is that this month Saturn finally moves
away from its opposition to Uranus, which has been with us on and
off since October 2008. This is also the final month of Saturn
squaring Pluto. So much of feelings or experiences of being
limited, stuck or involved in ongoing power struggles may lighten
up. The overall impact of this alignment, however, will continue to
be worked with and worked through for at least two years to
So how do we deal with this alignment that seems like the
ultimate cosmic push-pull? For one thing, don’t try to control it.
Try not to feel overwhelmed with what may feel like limitless
choices compounded by limited time, energy and resources.  Have a
plan. Saturn likes things to be defined and goal oriented. Give
Saturn its due. That will provide a sense of direction or
directions that we would like to accomplish. Be creative. This is a
great time to try something new. That could mean starting a new
activity or it could mean doing something familiar in a new way.
Hopefully, the big picture goal and the new, exciting activity will
coincide. Be patient. Several of the components of this alignment
are impulsive and can get edgy when they meet resistance to their
intentions. They may tend to give up and move on to a different
activity and wind up spinning their wheels and accomplishing
nothing. Be willing to let go of parts of your life that have
become stagnant or boring even if they feel comfortable and safe.
We may have established a need for a certain person, activity or
situation, but it has long ceased to actually provide a sense of
accomplishment, meaning or satisfaction. If we dig deep enough, we
are likely to challenge long-held, traditional behaviors or even a
core sense of identity which is counter to who we really are.
The challenges right now are enormous. The letting go may feel
excruciating. But the potential to create a new self and a new
reality for the self to function in is limitless. Don’t be afraid
as that will only lead to stuckness. Have courage and realize that
the energy to work through our difficulties and challenges is at
hand. This is a time to make major, significant changes in our
lives. If enough of us do that in a real and meaningful way, it is
just possible that a new concept and definition of consensus
reality will be emerging a few years down the line.
 The full Moon in Aries on the 23rd could bring challenges. Your
sensitivity and emotions will be heightened. However, you could
feel stifled in your attempts to release them. Or, if you do
express them, you may feel as if no one cares or is providing any
emotional support. Growth for you comes from complimenting your
increased emotional self-awareness with an improving ability to be
emotionally self-nurturing.
Your aesthetic sensibilities and creative inspiration are
stimulated, especially in early month. In addition, you could feel
yourself drawn to some type of humanitarian service. Either
creativity or service could, in turn, lead to a greater ability to
be more vulnerable and open in a significant relationship. That
openness, if it is matched by your partner, could lead to a sense
of transformation for both yourself and the relationship.
This is a time to focus on personal issues and your inner life.
In early month, spend time reviewing your relationship to yourself
as well as those closest to you. Later in the month is time to
refine relationships with family members. You could also focus on
doing things in your home that enable things to function more
It’s time for new beginnings in your work. Changing jobs, even
industries, or simply starting a new project or developing a new
attitude could be part of the energy package for you this month.
These changes, may cause you to feel exposed and vulnerable,
especially if you make them in an overt and obvious manner.
Focusing on the change and excitement of something new can help
overcome feelings of insecurity or self-consciousness.
When the Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, it activates the
transiting T-square and tightens the web of energy. Many of these
challenges for you will be mental, either in terms of your state of
mind or your relationships. Growth for you this month comes from
creating new ways of expressing yourself so that the stability you
like as well as the changes you are going through, receives the
proper amount of time and energy.
Your analytical mind, always present and strong, is at a peak
level this month. This is great for problem solving, but not that
useful in dealing with emotional or psychological issues. The new
Moon in Virgo on the 8th, however, provides both the energy and the
impetus to become more tuned in to your inner being and right
brained, intuitive information. Growth comes from balancing the
Lighten up in early month. Take some time for yourself even if
it’s for something relatively superficial. You may have been under
a great deal of stress for a while and although getting a makeover
or buying some new clothes won’t solve any problems, that type of
activity could help bring balance to your life. Later in the month
brings some energy to focus on financial matters.
The two planets of creativity and relationship, Venus and Mars,
transit into Scorpio this month. These events should increase your
desire for a deep, meaningful, emotional connection as well as an
increased need for sexual activity. They could also increase your
drive and desire for creative expression. Growth for you this month
comes from integrating your masculine and feminine energies in new
 Early month could continue to bring challenges in the financial
aspect of your life. Financial setbacks could be exacerbated by the
necessity of letting go of even more of your material security.
Late month, however, can bring a return to a more spiritual way of
perceiving and living. This will allow more of your innate optimism
and generosity toward others to compensate for any sense of
 As usual, you are right in the thick of the challenging
T-square. Growth for you this month comes from letting go even more
of your need to control a situation or its outcome. Surrendering
the need for control can bring the awareness of spiritual support.
Work at becoming more receptive to others. Developing more
nurturing skills will make it easier to let go of control.
 This month may provide a slight respite from some of the stress
you’ve been feeling. Your co-rulers, Saturn and Uranus, leave their
opposition in early month. You may start to feel as if the two
dichotomous parts of your nature, the need for control and
stability (Saturn) and the need for friendship and freedom (Uranus)
can finally be satisfied without negatively impacting each
Your social, romantic and artistic natures are strongly enhanced
this month. In early month, powerful feelings of devotion and
compassion combine to bring relationships to a higher level of
functionality. This is followed by desire to physical activity that
could be anything from dance to sexuality. Growth for you this 
month comes from being willing to share parts of yourself in warm,
loving and creative ways.
Rio Olesky has been studying astrology since 1967 and has
been a practicing professional astrologer since 1976. The author of
Astrology and Consciousness, Rio offers classes in beginning
astrology through SRJC and ongoing classes at New Horizons School.
To make an appointment or ask questions about classes, call rio at
707-887-1820. Check out his website:

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