The end of the year means plenty of cheer and the Town of Windsor has a host of events and activities for the holiday season.


Holiday Tree Lighting

The Town of Windsorā€™s 20th Annual Holiday Celebration and Tree Lighting will be held on Thursday, Dec. 2 from 5 to 8 p.m. on the Town Green. The event free event is returning for in-person festivities after a virtual tree lighting last year.

Live music begins at 5 p.m. and the tree will be lit at 7 p.m. The whole event will include hot chocolate, food vendors, an elves craft workshop, cookie decorating and more.


Charlie Brown Christmas Tree Grove

Every year, the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree Drove brings 200 individually decorated holiday trees to the Windsor Town Green, and this year is no different. All of the trees are decorated by local classrooms, service groups, families and businesses.The trees will be up throughout the month.


Letters to Santa

Santaā€™s mailbox is returning to the Town Green on Dec. 1. Those waiting to send a letter to Santa and receive a letter back should include a letter with the childā€™s name and a self-addressed and stamped envelope. Letters must be received by Dec. 15.

The Town of Windsor has four letter templates available for those who may be in need of some extra inspiration. The templates can be found here, here, here and here.


Holiday Home Decorating

The town is also hosting a house decorating contest ā€” those decorating their home who wanted to participate in the contest are asked to submit their information to the Windsor Senior Recreation Center by either emailing Erin Stroud at es*****@to***********.com or by calling the Senior Recreation Center at 707-838-1250.

Houses will be judged the week of Dec. 13.


Parks and Recreation Programs

Windsorā€™s Parks and Recreation department is hosting two holiday craft adventures in December. Kids who participate will be able to make various holiday crafts.

The first, on Dec. 11 from 10 a.m. to noon is for kids ages 4 and 5. Registration is $25 for residents and $30 for non-residents. Registration information can be found here.

The second event, also on Dec. 11, will be from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. for kids ages 5-7. Registration can be found here.

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