Here are some of the things that students in Ms. Flores’ third grade class at Alexander Valley School are thankful for…

I have many things to be thankful for, but one of them is my education. I am thankful for my education because I love to learn. Each day I learn from my great teacher. I also learn with my great friends. I believe a good education is important because without one I may not get a good job. If I don’t have a job I can’t buy food or pay a mortgage. A part of school I appreciate is that you get to read fun books and learn at the same time. One of my favorite electives in school is library. At the school’s library there are a ton of books like picture books, chapter books and even graphic novels. The teacher, Mrs. Smart, is amazing because she inspires kids to read and she inspires them in a really cool way. That is why I think she is terrific. I am the happiest when I am learning and that is why I am thankful for my education. What are you thankful for?
Adelaide Saunders

When I think of thankfulness, I always seem to start with Natalia Loarie, my best friend. I am thankful for her because she makes me happy by making me laugh. Natalia also plays games with me, like tag. When I am stuck on a math problem, she always tends to help me. Natalia is a bit bizarre and I love it. On her birthday, we told riddles, jokes, and ghost stories until 10:00. It got a bit crazy, but we managed to handle it. Whatever we will do, we will always be friends.
Ava Grace Campbell

I am thankful for Reid. I am thankful for him because he helps me with pretty much everything. I can depend on him when I need help. He also has a great personality. Reid’s funny sentences and silly faces make me laugh, especially when I am sad. Reid doesn’t judge anyone based on how they look or feel. When I am with Reid I always feel good about myself. I know if you knew him you would like him too.
Hudson Kennedy

I am thankful for my brother because he is my good friend and he always plays with me. One thing I love about him is he gives me Xbox games. The game I’m sharing with him is Rocket League and he’s sharing a game with me called World War ll ( WWII). I am thankful for my brother because we go to the store with friends and he always buys me a slushy. It’s a special time to play with him on Xbox because he protects me from people online that I don’t know. I love my brother and the times we get to play together.
Nolan Axell

I am thankful for my cat, Hermione. She was named after Hermione from Harry Potter. She is very soft and fluffy. Hermione loves kids, and puts up with a lot, like when my sister holds her incorrectly. I love that you never know where Hermione will be sleeping. Sometimes with me, sometimes with my mom, but her favorite place is in mom’s laundry basket. When Hermione jumps into my bed, she helps me fall asleep because she is soft. Once she slept in my bed for a whole week. Hermione can be cute and fearless, which makes me laugh. Once a week she goes outside and thinks she will catch a rat. But, all she ever finds is a skunk. Bravely, she doesn’t run, she fights. She always seems to win by just scaring it. I love Hermione.
Reid VanZijl

To my lovely friends: Friends are very important to me and that’s why I’m thankful for them. I’m thankful for them in many ways. One of the ways I am thankful for them is when they make me happy during my sad moments. Once I forgot my homework and my friends cheered me up like real friends should do. Times when we tell each other things we don’t even tell our parents are special. (Sometimes it turns into a laugh-off though.) Real friends never say “no” to a trade in lunch or a walk around the track to talk about our little sibling tragedies. Mix it all up, and you get very sharing, caring and funny friends. I never want to leave them and hope the feel the same for me.
Natalia Loarie

I am thankful for my cats. Their names are Leo and Isabelle. They always make me happy. Isabelle is a small kitten and Leo is an adult cat. At night Leo rests at the edge of my bed and Isabelle sleeps on my head or stomach. It always tickles because her tail is like a squirrel. In the morning Leo gets off the bed and Isabelle starts pouncing on my head. It feels like my pillow pouncing onto my head. When I am eating my breakfast, lunch, or dinner on my stool, Isabelle is always attacking my feet from under the stool, which can make them itchy. At night when I read out loud, Isabelle crawls up on my lap and Leo sits behind me on top of the couch. I think they are very good listeners. Sometimes they listen for an hour or two. I really like having cats and I think they are excellent pets.
Lila Kreck

I am thankful for my Grampy, because he is really special in my life. One of the things that we do, is watch NBA basketball together. Grampy sits on his chair and I sit on the couch. We cheer for the Warriors. When they make a shot my grandpa cheers and it makes me laugh. When I am with my grandpa I feel happy and loved. I feel sad when we go home because I don’t get to see him very much. He lives three hours away. I thank my grandpa for all the things that he does for me and my family.
Austin Axell

I am grateful for all my friends. Whenever I feel alone, Natalia, Stevie, Ava and Francesca are my lights in the dark. Natalia gets me smiling when I am mad. Ava makes me laugh, no matter how grumpy I am. Stevie helps me along when I’m behind, and Francesca includes me when nobody wants to. These four friends always encourage me to try something new, but not to the point where I am uncomfortable. They are amongst the few people I can trust with personal facts and secrets. They are the reason I’m not so lonely all the time. I have always known it, these friends are special to me.
Eleanor Kruger

I am thankful for my cousins. I am excited to see them next Christmas in New Zealand. I always look forward to playing games like soccer, volleyball and hike and seek with them. I love when my cousin, Charles, gives me piggy back rides. It’s so fun and I love riding high in the air. What I like most is the silly laughing I do with my cousins. They make me very happy when we are together.
Chloe Cropper

I am thankful for my dog, Misha, because she makes me laugh. Every day when I have to take her outside she spins me around and I get all tangled up in her leash. It’s complicated, but we work it out. She wakes me up at 5 a.m. in the morning by jumping on my stomach mostly every day. Sometimes I don’t like it, but I still love her. When I go to bed I hold her until we both go to sleep. With her next to me I feel loved. Even though she doesn’t speak words I know Misha still loves me. I can’t imagine not having Misha in my life.
Emily Nava

I am glad that you were born Sonny. I am thankful for you. Thank you for being my dog. I am thankful because you love to play like me. I love when I come home from school and play tug-of-war with you and Tehya. Jumping on the trampoline with you is funny. When we read together it warms my heart. It gets a little frustrating because you never listen, but I always try again. At the end of the day I love how I give you belly rubs and you give me a big smile. I love you Sonny.
Stevie Mitchell

I’m thankful for my dog, Tiger. I named him Tiger because he has tiger stripes When I’m sad he licks me and it tickles, which always cheers me up. His bark is extremely loud. I don’t mind because he is doing his job to protect the house. When I read a book he cuddles with me and listens to my words. Thank you Tiger for making me a better reader. I’m happy Tiger is my dog and I love him very much.
Oren Fichtelberg

I am thankful for my sister’s bunny rabbit, Gus. Gus lives at my house in a hutch. When we got him at the fair he was a couple months old. Now he is 1. When I get to play with him on the grass Gus makes me laugh a lot. It’s really funny when he stops under a plant and washes his face. He is a good cuddle rabbit. His fur makes me feel like I am on a cloud when I pet him. Gus sleeps in his litter box which I think is disgusting but he feels safe. Thank you for being a great pet , Gus.
Jackson Puckett

I am thankful for my home. I’m thankful for it because it gives me shelter. I love that it has a shady tree in the backyard where I sometimes play or imagine. My kitten and I play tag around that tree which is where I have the most fun. When we tire of playing tag, then I get a book and we read it together. I feel safe in my house. I would not be thankful for this if it wasn’t for the firefighters and a lot of other people who helped protect my home. My house is really important.
Elizabeth Hare

I am thankful for my cats, Mittens and Makaely because they make me laugh and make me happy. Even though they are enemies, I like them both the same. Mittens loves to sleep and walk around on my bed. Mittens and I play with a special toy which makes me laugh so hard, I could watch it over and over again. We have fun together. During rainy days, she prefers to stay inside. At first MIttens was a friendly and kind cat, but over time she has become a savage. I don’t know why. Now that she has changed and I cannot pet her, she isn’t getting all my love. That makes me sad, but I still love her. I rarely get to see Makaely because she doesn’t really come to me, except when she is really hungry. Perhaps it is because of winter, and it is too cold for her to come out from under the house where she lives. Since I am a “cat person”, no matter what they do, I will always love them.
Brodie Lopez

I am thankful for my dog, Luna. She is a small to medium 4 year old black mixed breed dog. I am thankful for her because she sleeps with me and listens to me when I talk to her. She also makes me laugh when she chases her tail. When I go to my dad’s house, she barks at the turkey vultures. She is very protective of my dad’s house. Luna enjoys potatoes with sour cream. She is a wonderful and loveable dog.
Francesca Monahan

I am thankful for many of my friends but I am most thankful for my friend named Cade. Cade is my new neighbor and also my best friend. I am thankful for him because I can trust that he will be kind and not mean. I appreciate that he listens to me and my brother Vincent. I like it on days when we don’t ride the bus, because we get to play video games together or go outside. It is really fun. On Halloween we went trick or treating together. I am so thankful for a friend like Cade.
Melina Isabel Smith Whitmore Verhil

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