If you think you know Healdsburg public schools, it’s time to look again. Our schools are moving forward with innovation that I’ve not seen anytime, anywhere, during my 33 years in education.  
We start this school year with 28 new teachers and other support staff. This infusion of new energy contributes to a feeling of excitement cultivated by our gifted faculty. The combination of youth and experience makes for a powerful combination to ensure that every student is prepared for college and a challenging 21st century career when they graduate.
Our schools set a high standard for academic excellence. Many graduates from Healdsburg High School attend the most competitive colleges and universities: MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley and others. The annual scholarships awarded to Healdsburg students last year totaled more than $700,000 for a graduating class of 160. Compared to high schools with similar demographics, Healdsburg High School ranks among the best schools in California.    
Our schools are large enough to offer a variety of enriching classes but small enough for our students to receive a personalized experience reminiscent of a bygone era. Most classes in the primary grades have fewer than 20 students. Class sizes in the upper grades average about 26 students per class. Two full-time counselors at a small high school means that our counselors have more time to help each student, uncommon in today’s high schools.
Our schools are deeply rooted in the Healdsburg community, with an unparalleled history of support for our schools. Local service clubs fund critical programs like the Safe Schools Ambassadors so our students have a safe environment to prosper. Volunteer groups like PSST, Morning Grumble and Reading Rocks bring more than 100 volunteers to our campuses. Donations to the Healdsburg Education Foundation of more that $500,000 from community groups, businesses and parents support innovative programs that boost student engagement and achievement.
The interior renovation of Healdsburg Elementary School this summer is symbolic of the new beginnings here at HUSD. Our innovative spirit is evident in our expanded wireless network on all our campuses with iPads and laptops for use by students as young as Kindergarten.  
I think you’ll be astounded by the innovation in our schools and encourage you to see for yourself. You can schedule a visit to any of our schools by contacting the principal. We’re proud of our schools and look forward to welcoming you to our campuses.
Jeff Harding, Ed.D is Superintendent of the Healdsburg Unified School District.

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