Numerous studies have shown that optimistic people are healthier
than pessimistic people. It is suggested that optimists have better
ways of coping with stress, and consequently have more stable blood
pressure, stress hormones, and heart rate. It is probable that
optimists are more likely to take care of their health because they
believe in the potential positive outcomes. Consider also that
optimistic people are more likely to build better social networks,
and be more likable than pessimists, factors that been have been
associated with health and longevity.
Scientists say there are two types of optimism, dispositional
and explanatory. Dispositional optimism is based on positive
expectations for one’s future. These are not confined to one or two
aspects of life, but are generalized expectations for a good
outcome in several areas of life. Explanatory style is based on how
a person explains good or bad news. The pessimist assumes blame for
bad news, believes the situation is permanent and that events will
affect everything they do–a global impact on one’s life. The
optimist, on the other hand, does not assume all blame for negative
events, but merely sees them as transitory and having nothing or
little to do with all aspects of their lives. They also tend to
give themselves credit for good news, assume good things will last,
and be confident that positive developments will spill over into
many areas of their life. 
In one study, the habitual way in which individuals explain bad
events were extracted from questionnaires filled out by a group of
25 year-old graduates of the Harvard University class of 1942-1944.
Physical health from ages 30 to 60, was measured by physical
examination, and was related to earlier explanatory style.
Pessimistic explanatory style predicted poor health at ages 45
through 60.  There are other studies, which show that, conversely,
dispositional optimism has been linked with improved recovery rates
after surgery and improved survival rates from cancer, besides
improved general health. Interestingly enough, one study suggested
that a society’s optimism quotient (so to speak) affects the mood
and I suggest, movement, of that society. The study states, “Shifts
to a more optimistic style in Lyndon Johnson’s press conferences
predicted bold, risky action during the Vietnam War, whereas shifts
to pessimism predicted passivity. Second, analyses of presidential
candidates’ nomination acceptance speeches from 1948 to 1984 showed
that candidates who were more pessimistically ruminative lost 9 of
the 10 elections.” We are affected as a society by our country’s
collective mood, which, of course, begins with the individual’s
mood. Let’s have it be positive.
Do you know which one you are, an optimist or pessimist? Ask
yourself these questions:
• Are hardships learning experiences?
• If today was tough, will tomorrow be better?
• When a project doesn’t go well, do you give up easily or do
you persevere knowing it will work out?
• Do you see negative setbacks as minor setbacks?
Many people find it easier to focus on the negative chatter in
their heads rather than the positive, perhaps because they don’t
feel they deserve the positive. Look honestly at areas that you
could improve and work on them, but focus on your attributes. Keep
in mind that the more you practice challenging your thought
patterns, the more automatic they will become. Don’t expect major
changes in thinking right away, but know they will become ingrained
over time. Remember that virtually any failure or negative
situation can be a learning experience, and a step toward your next
success. Write positive thoughts on post-its and place them here
and there to remind yourself to be positive. Read uplifting books.
Affirmations are powerful!
You’ll feel and actually be healthier when you’re optimistic.
Whether or not you agree with this hopeful outlook may tell you
something about yourself!
 “Twixt the optimist and pessimist
The difference is droll
The optimist sees the doughnut
But the pessimist sees the hole.”
– McLandburgh Wilson
Patty James M.S., C.N.C
Vital Health Educator and Nutrition Coach.

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