The circulatory system brings many substances to cells and then
removes waste products that are the result of metabolism. Some of
these substances cannot enter or return through the capillary
walls, including excess fluid and protein molecules and they are
then returned to the blood as lymph.
Sewer or subway? (as one study put it)
Until recently, the lymphatic system has been regarded as the
sewer of the vasculature (the network of blood vessels), draining
fluid, proteins and lipids (fats) from the interstitial (means
between things) spaces into the blood. Recent studies show that the
lymphatic role in lipid transport is an active and complicated
process. When lymphatic function is compromised, there are
consequences to lipid metabolism and transport, which can result in
lipid accumulation throughout the body.  Uh-oh. That’s not good.
Yet another reason to think more about the health of this important
Major parts of the system are the spleen, bone marrow, thymus
gland, lymph nodes, adenoids and the tonsils.
Lymph vessels collect this interstitial fluid and return it to
the bloodstream by first emptying it into tiny vessels and then
emptying it into large veins called thoracic ducts in the upper
chest near the neck. The thoracic duct runs right up through the
chest and empties into the blood through a large vein near the left
side of the neck. The right lymphatic duct collects lymph from the
right side of the neck, chest, and arm, and empties into a large
vein near the right side of the neck.
Located in the upper left part of the abdomen under the ribcage,
the spleen clears out worn red blood cells and other foreign
substances from the bloodstream to help fight off infection.
Lymph nodes are little blood filters and can be up to the size
of an almond. Most of the lymph nodes are found in clusters in the
neck, armpit, and groin area, but are also located along the
lymphatic pathways in the chest and abdomen. Inside the lymph
nodes, lymphocytes (white blood cells) help the body fight
infection. All lymphocytes develop in the bone marrow from immature
cells called stem cells. Lymphocytes that mature in the thymus are
called T-cells. The thymus is the largest at puberty and weighs a
little more than an ounce. It may be small, but it plays an
important role in the body’s immunity mechanism. Other lymphocytes
mature in the bone marrow or lymphatic organs and are called
You are the pump
Unlike the circulatory system that has the heart as a pump, the
lymphatic system does not have a pump but relies on movement to
move fluids around your body. Yet another important reason to move
your body! Here are some easy tips to keep your lymphatic system
•    A blond and a brunette walked into a bar….or whatever joke
you care to think of that makes you laugh. A deep belly laugh
causes your diaphragm to move up and down acting as a pump for the
lymphatic system. Yet another reason to laugh, besides stress
• Many of your lymphatic vessels are enmeshed inside your
muscles. Moving generates pressure against the lymphatic vessels
causing the flow of fluid. Get moving!
•    Jump on a trampoline or a rebounder. The up and down motion
moves fluid. Someone told me once that flying with a jet pilot at
the speed of sound cleared out his swollen ‘glands.’ Not sure that
is a great idea-possibly our bodies are not meant to work quite
that fast! By the way, lymph nodes aren’t really glands.
•    Healthy heart, healthy lymphatic system. Your arterial
blood vessels produce strong pulsations that also generate movement
against adjacent lymphatic vessels. Aren’t our bodies amazing?
•    You’ll love this one-get a massage. Massage stimulates the
lymph nodes and helps them to drain. This is good for most people,
but see your health practitioner and ask if lymphatic massage is
appropriate for you.
Healthy foods and adequate water promote flexible blood vessel
walls. Yes, there is always a healthy eating component when you are
learning about your body. Here are some easy food and water tips to
keep your lymphatic system healthy.
•    Drink enough pure water. Most people should drink about
eight glasses a day. I drink more; you might drink a little
•    Toxins, whether they are in your food or in your hair and
skin products put an extra strain on your lymphatic system. Avoid
artificial sweeteners, excess sugar, refined foods and foods with
preservatives. Eat organic food when you can.
•    Healthy fats are good for your lymphatic system. Good
sources include essential fatty acids found in flax seeds and oil,
hemp seeds and oil, walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and cold-water
fish, such as salmon and sardines. Be sure to purchase raw nuts and
seeds and if you want them roasted, do so yourself.
Your lymphatic system needs to flow freely. When it backs up,
there’s trouble. Not only are the building, repair and waste
disposal systems affected by a disruption, such as what happens
when you’re a complete couch potato, but also the body’s defenses
against foreign substances are compromised. In addition to
filtering out toxic materials, the lymph nodes also produce
substances that fight off viruses and bacteria and destroy abnormal
cells, such as cancer cells. Besides being part of the body’s
plumbing and repair system, the lymphatic system is an essential
part of our immune system, so take good care of it.
Patty James M.S., C.N.C.
Nutritionist. Chef. Writer
DirectionFive Health
Founder and Director
 Please check Patty’s web site for upcoming

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