Many west county residents have taken part in protests in Santa Rosa, but there are quieter local protests as well. 
Demonstration in downtown Sebastopol on Wednesday, June 3

Jonah and Lily Balakhaneh are planning a peaceful protest in downtown Sebastopol from noon to 2 p.m. on June 3 at the corner of Main Street and Highway 12. 

“We felt like it was our social responsibility and the least we could do to bring awareness and stand in solidarity, here in our hometown,” they wrote to Sonoma West.
The Balakhanehs said the goals of the demonstration are to honor George Floyd, who was killed last week by a Minneapolis police officer, and to demonstrate peacefully and safely, while maintaining social distance and wearing masks.
“If there are too many people to fit on the four corners we hope people will space themselves out safely along the street,” Lily said.
Take a knee at 8 o’clock 

On Monday, June 1, Rebecca Haralabatos suggested on Nextdoor Sebastopol that in place of the 8 o’clock howl (or sometimes, in addition to it), Sebastopol residents take a knee for Floyd and all the other victims of police violence.
She wrote, “How about instead of howling at 8pm tonight, we who choose to take a knee in solidarity outside our homes and say our own silent or singing prayers for George Floyd and for taking steps on the regular to dismantle racism?”
It got an enthusiastic response.

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