Jon Haupt

Are you in it to win it this year?
Every year in the summer, we provide reading programs for all ages with opportunities to win prizes and read a good book at the same time.
Our popular summer reading programs for adults, teens, school-age and preschool children not only offer encouragement for reading when school is out, but provide everyone with a reason to try something new — be it a new book genre or a library service you never knew existed.
Our programs begin in June. This year, we are also trying something different with a read-books-to-win-books program. When you read five books, you win a free book from our selections as a prize.
We also have a list of activities that will encourage you to expand your horizons — those count toward a new book as well. When you get a free book, you are also entered into our raffle to win some fabulous prizes at the end of the summer.
Sign up in person at the library beginning June 1 or register online now. This year, we are also moving our popular summer party to the beginning of summer, at the onset of our summer reading program.
The program theme this year is “It’s Showtime at Your Library,” and this party will be a great way to celebrate a new beginning.
On Saturday, June 8 at 11 a.m., we’ll have ice cream donated generously by Three Twins, as well as face painting, balloon creations, and a fun photo booth experience. In addition, we have dynamic duo Musical Robot performing for kids at 11 a.m. and Bay Area acoustic band The Pine Needles performing in the middle of the library at high noon.
We hope you’ll all take advantage of this opportunity to eat a little ice cream, have fun with your friends and family and sign up for our summer reading program.
Two months ago now we debuted a new Open Mic Night at the library. With a new sound system, the evening offers a great opportunity for performer and listener alike. We are continuing these special nights on the fourth Wednesday of every month. The next two events are May 22 and June 26. Performing artists (sing, read, play, act, etc.), please sign up in advance online on our website, by phone (707-433-3772) or by asking in person at the library. Attendees need only show up and enjoy what others have to offer.
In addition to our Brown Bag Book Club for adults and our book clubs for tweens and teens, we also have started a Spanish Book Group. The group meets once per month on Monday nights in the library to discuss a different book in Spanish. This month’s meeting will be May 20 at 6 p.m. and we will be discussing “El Túnel” by Ernesto R. Sábato. If you love reading books in Spanish or know someone who does, this new book group will provide a great opportunity.
We look forward to seeing you at the library at these events and more throughout the summer.
Jon Haupt is the branch manager of the Healdsburg Regional Library.

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