Those wanting to donate to Cloverdale’s annual Turkey Round-Up still have time, according to the event’s organizers. 

The Turkey Round-Up is sponsored by Brenda Vronoski and Shalia Vanderweken of Wine County Real Estate Network.

Traditionally, an open house is held at Wine Country Real Estate where folks can donate money or a turkey to the cause. This year, the duo is only asking for money, all of which will be used to purchase food for Cloverdalians in need this Thanksgiving. Turkeys will be given out at the Cloverdale Food Pantry this Friday, Nov. 19.

In past years, Vronoski, Vanderweken and a team of volunteers have provided over 100 families with turkey, stuffing mix and a pie. Funds left over are used to purchase Christmas hams to give out and any additional funds are given to the Cloverdale Food Pantry.

Those interested in donating funds can do so through an account that’s set up at Redwood Credit Union — or they can stop by the Wine Country Real Estate Network office in Furber Plaza.

Vronoski and Vanderweken have put together the Turkey Round-Up for over 10 years, led by the belief that everyone should have access to a proper holiday meal.
Those with questions are asked to contact Wine Country Real Estate Network at 707-894-9006. 

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