This is always an exciting time of the year as we get ready to welcome our new kindergarten students. Kindergarten will be your child’s first step in school and it is a privilege to be a parat of that journey. At Mattie Washburn, we are committed to ensuring that all students receive a challenging academic program as they begin their school career. We have a balanced curriculum that combines hands-on, real life experiences with the basic skills needed for success. Our focus is on early literacy with the goal that all students will be fluent readers as they leave first grade.
We love volunteers at Mattie. Parents are encouraged to help out in the classroom or for special events. A volunteer coordinator and volunteer childcare for the younger siblings of our students make volunteering at Mattie a fun and rewarding experience. 
Parents often ask how they can get their child ready to start kindergarten. There are many things you can do to help your child before they start school. Parents can prepare their children for success in school by showing them that learning is fun. Parents who take advantage of everyday activities as opportunities for learning will ensure that their child is ready.
Some suggestions are: playing memory games with words, colors and numbers; singing songs; gardening; preparing meals together; counting and sorting laundry; walks in the woods or at the beach, etc. Reading aloud with your child is one of the most valuable activities since it promotes a love of reading. Parents should go to the library often and turn off the television in order to share quality time with their child. 
In order to prepare for the next school year, we will have registration for the 2017-18 school year at Mattie Washburn starting on Wednesday, Feb. 8.  At Mattie we offer two types of programs for kindergarten students: the Traditional Kindergarten program and the Transitional Kindergarten program. If your child will be five years old on or before Sept. 1, 2017 they are eligible to attend the Traditional program for the 17-18 school year. For children who will be five between Sept. 2 and Dec. 2, 2017, they are eligible to enroll in our Transitional Program. If you would like to register please bring your child’s birth certificate, immunization record, social security number and proof of residency to the school office. You are also required to show proof that your child has had a dental exam and medical physical before they start school.
This is a fun and enriching time in your child’s life. Help them to understand that school is a safe place for them to learn and grow. Children succeed in school when their parents are interested and involved. Helping your child with their homework, volunteering at school and showing them that education is important will make all the difference in your child’s school success.
For more information, please contact Mattie Washburn School at 707-837-7727.
Submitted by the Windsor Unified School District.

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