October 11,1918 – 100 years ago  
Cloverdale 30 years ago this week: Business is good at the depot. At Todd & Crawford’s warehouse near the depot, 100 bales of hops are being stored and cars are being loaded for shipment. The freight business is so large, there is not enough cars to carry off the freight from this depot. On Wednesday, 14 cars of wheat, hops, etc. were shipped. Teams are continually coming in from Lake and Mendocino Counties. Besides the hops, wool and wheat stored at the warehouses, there are between 300 and 400 carloads of tanbark awaiting shipment. At Parsons’s hop yard near Hopland one of the pickers picked 308 pounds of hops in twelve hours.
Wine movement was about the same as for the corresponding period of the past year. About 8,000,000 gallons were shipped out of California by sea and rail in July. When it is considered that the shipments of the ten months previous were the greatest in the history of the California wine industry, the July showing will be regarded as extraordinary. The mystery is: Where does the wine come from? It would look as though the state will be wine dry before the next vintage.
October 3, 1968 – 50 years ago
Sonoma County voter registration has climbed to a record high of 91,522. This compares with 83,946 voters for the June’s primary election and 37,023 for the general election two years ago. The party breakdown is 48,058 Democrats, 39,736 Republicans, 458 Peace and Freedom party and 13 registered as members of miscellaneous parties. Registration includes 19,364 voters in the first supervisorial district; 18,329 in the second; 19,640 in the third, 16,883 in the fourth; and 17,906 in the fifth.
October 13 1993 – 25 years ago
The city has released two surveys in the community to gain input and to assist in the preparation of a citywide economic development strategy. The information gained from the surveys is valuable, as it will provide background on our buying preferences and available labor market. The purpose of the program is to identify opportunities to strengthen and diversify the city’s economy in light of recent changes to the community, such as the completion of the Highway 101 bypass and the loss of approximately 500 jobs in this area. Once completed the program will aggressively work to support the retention and expansion of existing businesses, assist start-up business, attract new businesses and increase the area’s tourism to make Cloverdale a better place to live, work and shop.
Women rally for freedom from male violence. The fear of violence and the actual experience of violence limit the freedom of women on a daily basis, influencing their decisions about where they go, how they dress, when they can go out of their homes, where they work and countless other aspects of their lives men do not give a second thought to. The “Take Back the Night”’ march demands the right to freedom from male violence. Its symbolic statement attempts to jar our society from the complacency which fails to recognize male violence as a tool of control of women.

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