will hold its 2004 luncheon, a fund-raiser for their
scholarships which are awarded to deserving women enrolled in
studies in the culinary and viticultural arts, on Feb. 4 from 11:15
a.m. to 2 p.m. at the FountainGrove Inn. Registration for the event
begins at 11:15 a.m. and lunch is at noon.
Speakers are Norman Rosinski, editor and publisher of North Bay
Biz magazine and Carole Rodoni, real estate industry expert and
president of Bamboo Consulting.
The Wine Country Chapter of the American Business Women’s
Association is a growing branch of the national organization. ABWA
has more than 1,200 local chapters and is dedicated to bringing
together businesswomen of diverse occupations and providing
opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow
personally and professionally through leadership, education and
national recognition. For more information, visit www.wineabwa.org,
or call 573-6098.
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