As Scoutmaster of Healdsburg Troop 21, I’m compelled to respond to the recent statements from the press and members of the community regarding the 4Cs preschool departure. I write this with the hope that despite the inaccurate depiction given in recent articles, Healdsburg’s Troop 21 continues its role in community service, promoting youth leadership and skills development. A reader wrote in last week’s Tribune, “What about the Oath?” I’m happy that she asked about Scouting principles like the Oath and Law.
A Scout is Courteous
In April of 2015 the Rosenberg Committee asked if the troop would be willing to share its space at Clary Hall with 4Cs on a temporary basis. The troop was in full support; we advised them that we needed the meeting hall and access to the grounds for planned activities. The troop was courteous and agreed that having 4Cs would help the Rosenberg Committee with an income problem.
A Scout is Cheerful
The Rosenberg Committee stressed that Clary Hall could be shared by both the 4Cs and the troop. The troop was cheerful and accepted that both entities could use the space. There have been other occupants of Clary Hall throughout the years and the troop has always worked with them.
A Scout is Helpful
The troop was told that 4Cs would occupy Clary Hall for four to six months. After the troop’s assets were removed from the hall (without notice), the troop was helpful and agreed to accommodate 4Cs on a temporary basis . Some of these items had occupied the hall for years and defined Clary Hall as Healdsburg’s home to scouting.
A Scout is Brave
When 4Cs actually moved into Clary Hall and told the troop that they could not share the meeting space with us, the troop was brave, accepted the temporary change and agreed to meet out in the parking lot for the duration of summer. 4Cs had fully filled the hall and yard with their equipment in a complete (and seemingly permanent) occupation of the hall and rendered it unavailable for holding weekly Scout meetings and other events that were scheduled. Everyone in Healdsburg should be clear that Troop 21 was fully surprised by the extent to which 4Cs took over the hall. The building owners were fully surprised. In the spirit of scouting the troop took the news in stride and adjusted to the new situation.
The Boy Scout Motto is “Be Prepared”
Being prepared is important to the troop. We travel into wilderness and we participate in adventure activities. We strive to be ready for any situation that arises. In this spirit of being prepared, we asked the Rosenberg Committee for assurances that 4Cs was truly intending to vacate Clary Hall as promised so that our scouts could once again meet indoors as the weather got cold.
A Scout is Trustworthy
The story about 4Cs has been spun in such a way that Troop 21 looks like the bad guys. That is dishonest and something a good scout would never do. The original article should have made it clear that 4Cs had only intended to stay four to six months rather than seek a villain to blame for their bigger problems. Troop 21 has sought nothing more than to maintain a meeting space to plan and implement over 1,000 hours of volunteer service each year working with the Kiwanis Club, Russian River Clean Up, California State Parks, National Parks, Healdsburg Shared Ministries Food Pantry, Redwood Food Bank, Healdsburg Library and the Fitch Mountain Association. We also serve about 30 kids and we do it without pay. Troop 21 will continue providing the youth of Healdsburg an opportunity to live the Scout Oath and Motto while demonstrating quietly, and without spin, that scouting is busy at developing young men into leaders, stewards and unselfish community servants.
– Doug Price is the Troop 21 Scoutmaster

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