Our Earth is quickly warming. Every year the rate of increase is faster and faster. The Earth is in critical condition.
The Green New Deal says we have to cut carbon emissions in half by 2030. It’s about reversing climate change.This requires, among other things retrofitting older buildings so they use much less energy; constructing all new buildings so they use zero net energy; investing in green energy: solar, wind, hydro, etc.; zero emissions for autos and trucks; and increased mass transit.
What can we do in Windsor? Come to the Windsor Democratic Club’s forum on Thursday, April 25, from7 to 9 p.m. at Windsor Round Table Pizza. We will have Windsor elected officials who will inform us about policies, programs and the goals of our town which lead to reducing emissions. We will also have local leaders in sustainable enterprises and community organizations who will report on what they have been doing and strive to do in the future. For more information, please see our website www.windsordemocrats.org or Windsor Democrats Facebook page or call Rick Massell at 707-696-9364.
-Rick Massell, Windsor Democratic Club