EDITOR: I want to say a big thank you, along with the people of
Sebastopol, to Jim Corbett (A.K.A. Mr. Music) who invited the
public to celebrate his 60th birthday with him. The event was held
at the Community Center on Sunday, from 1 ‘til 8 p.m. I was there
for it all. Music all day of all kinds. Some of his students even
performed with Mr. Music. The name says so much. What a gifted,
musical, talented man he truly is. I first met him about 22 years
ago when he was teaching music to children at Parkside School. I
was helping with my two young grandsons who were four and seven
years old at the time.
The Love Choir also sang along with several musicians, including
Mr. Music. He started this group years ago. It’s so much fun, I
think I’ll join them. There was a raffle of which he donated two
nice guitars. All the money made on the raffle, donations at the
entrance, and all kinds of food being sold throughout the day, went
to support his music foundation, which is so important to keep
music in the many schools around.
He (Mr. Music) was chosen as Citizen of the Year, 2009 here in
Sebastopol in January. A very large crowd attended this most fun,
musical day on Sunday. A big thank you goes out to the members of
the Love Choir for their gratitude and recognition for all the
decorations, donations, tables, food and bar service. Also to the
lady who made his big special birthday cake, very nice.
Although this party was most enjoyable to celebrate Mr. Music’s
60th birthday, many people in attendance came to support Mr.
Music’s foundation. His wife Jan and three daughters thank everyone
so much for being there to celebrate with them. They want to just
say how they appreciate all who came and there were hundreds of
people. I’m sure this party will be remembered by many for a long
time. I said to him when meeting him in town once, “Mr. Music, you
are always so happy, cheerful, and bring so much joy to so many
people.” He said, “Sally, that’s my job.” What a job, so well done,
and a truly talented, gifted, wonderful man.
Thank you Mr. Music. We are so lucky and blessed to have you
here. You add so very much to the people of this great community.
Everyone really loves you so much.
Sally Burgardt

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