Make time for the Grand Jury
EDITOR: One of the many groups trying to get back up on its feet this year after the October fires is the Sonoma County Civil Grand Jury, overseen by the Sonoma County Superior Court.
With so many people impacted, we didn’t have sufficient jurors and alternates last year, and we are facing the same problems this year. The Sonoma County Superior Court has taken action and has launched a mid-term (the county fiscal year July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019) recruitment drive, which is a unique event in California.
Please consider donating six months of your time, a day a week, to this long-standing governmental watchdog agency. Go to to sign up.
Peter Andrews
President, Sonoma County Grand Jury Association
Monte Rio
Yes on 3
EDITOR: California is quite literally one of the most important bread baskets of the world, producing up to 50 percent of the country’s fruits, vegetables and nuts. As we move towards more sustainable farming techniques and better use of our natural resources, we must ensure that we invest in our watersheds, our water supply and improve water quality throughout the state. Proposition 3 takes a big step in the right direction. Across the state we must encourage sustainable investment to support our farmers, the environment and urban water consumers.
Proposition 3 makes the investments we need in our natural water sources, watersheds and groundwater basins, as well as the infrastructure necessary to deliver and manage it. Proposition 3 encourages water agencies to develop their water supplies through more sustainable and drought resilient means like wastewater recycling, groundwater management and stormwater management, and includes no funding for new dams or the controversial Delta tunnels.
American Farmland Trust joins with the California State Farm Bureau Federation, over 100 environmental and conservation groups like The Nature Conservancy, more than 100 water agencies, environmental justice groups and the California Labor Federation in support of Proposition 3. We hope that you will join us on Nov. 6 and vote yes on Proposition 3 to more sustainably manage our water and land resources.
Kara Heckert
American Farmland Trust California State Director
More than thoughts and prayers
EDITOR: The University of Texas tower, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, Columbine, San Bernardino, Parkland, Santa Fe and now Colombia, TN, and Pittsburgh. Are our thoughts and prayers enough after a mass shooting to deter future shootings and end the real American carnage?
Each time the gun control issue rears its head, gun manufacturers like Remington Outdoor put their money where their values are and support anti-gun control legislators.
People who support sensible gun regulation can do more than offering thoughts and prayers. Please send your financial contribution to groups that work to end the stranglehold of the arms industry on congress.
After each terrible episode unfolds, it’s the right time to send a contribution to Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America or the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.
When the dollars and hours spent to advocate for sensible gun regulation exceed the amount spent by the arms industry and its Astroturf-citizens groups, we will see the laws of the land change to end this American carnage.
Mark Mills-Thysen
User groups and parks
EDITOR: With age, I notice more keenly that old guys like me are one of the largest user groups in our parks, even though we’re done with all that running around chasing soccer balls and ducks like the grandkids do.
You may not hike trails anymore, but your family, neighbors and friends do. And, you may not chase soccer balls anymore.  But, their kids garner an appreciation for nature and get strong and confident using the parks. And then think again, maybe you are cresting the trails and using the parks. Parks aren’t only for the hardy as many city and county parks contain facilities and sponsor programs for seniors.
Let’s do our part to leave future generations with parks, trails, and facilities of which they can be proud. And, the added bonus: when you vote for Measure M, maybe the kids will be having so much fun in the parks, they’ll stay out of your driveway and off your lawn. Yes, for Measure M.
Leonard Vesey

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