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Immediate action
EDITOR: The news reports that the Trump administration is dragging its feet on immigrant family reunification and that ICE is active in our community. Redwood Forest Friends Meeting, a Quaker congregation in Santa Rosa, unites behind the following statement:
Redwood Forest Friends Meeting opposes not only the immoral and illegal confinement and separation of children from their families at the border, but also the ongoing traumatizing deportations by ICE, that separate parents from their families in our own communities.
We unite with Friends Committee on National Legislation in stating: “This unconscionable policy traumatizes parents and children alike, and expands criminalization of asylum seekers who are seeking refuge. Families belong together. Asylum seekers should not be detained. We strongly urge that Congress use their power to increase oversight of existing immigration and border enforcement and stop funding forcible separation that can do irreparable harm to young families.”
We endorse immediate action to reunite parents and children that have been separated, and to facilitate communication between parents in custody and their children until they are reunited.
We commit ourselves to support, and increase our participation, in the current immigration rights and sanctuary movement, with actions such as writing letters to local newspapers and Congress people; going to local meetings developing sanctuary plans; signing up for an accompaniment team or to be a legal observer with Sonoma County Rapid Response Network; joining Comité VIDA; joining vigils at W. Contra Costa County Detention Center.
Molly Bishop
Monte Rio
McGuire says thanks
EDITOR: Our nation and region are facing significant challenges, and we believe it’s more important than ever to come together, meet face to face and talk about the issues important to Sonoma County and all of Northern California.
We were thrilled that so many neighbors turned out last week to our town hall in Sebastopol. We heard vital feedback from dedicated residents and community leaders on everything from fire prevention and response, investing in more affordable housing, road and infrastructure projects, providing enhanced homeless services and climate change.
We had an incredible panel of speakers who dedicated their evening and provided thoughtful responses to questions from community members on critical issues facing Sebastopol and all of Sonoma County. Featured speakers included Sebastopol Mayor Patrick Slayter, incoming Sonoma County Sheriff Mark Essick, Caltrans Interim District Director Jim Davis, Cal Fire Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit Chief Shana Jones and Sebastopol Fire Chief Bill Braga.
While there is a lot of work still to be done, we have been able to make historic investments in our kids and public schools; our state’s economy is hot and jobs are on the rise; we are investing hundreds of millions in housing and homeless services; and we are making record investments in fire prevention and response.
We continue to make progress on combating climate change and are we’re standing strong to block President Trump’s plans to open up oil drilling off our coast.
A big thank you again to everyone who attended last week’s Town Hall. I am truly grateful to serve in the state senate. Thank you for this amazing privilege.
Senator Mike McGuire
Appreciated town hall
EDITOR: After attending the Sonoma County town hall hosted by Senator Mike McGuire at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts this evening, I feel moved to thank Senator McGuire and the five public service panelists. We heard from Mayor Patrick Slayter, incoming Sheriff Mark Essick, director Jim Davis from Caltrans, Cal Fire Chief Shana Jones and Sebastopol Fire Chief Bill Braga.
All impressed me with their commitment to service and how well they communicated the important current issues. I thought Mike McGuire was terrific. Thank you all for the work you do.
Lisa Pierce

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