Quilt thanks
EDITOR: I really appreciate the article that you did about the library quilt. The pictures were wonderful, and it was great that the Persian Pickles got such wonderful press coverage. The Friends of the Sebastopol Library have been so thankful to them for supporting the Library’s Children’s programs in such a lovely way for so many years. Each quilt has been unique. Thanks for helping us!
Fellow readers around town may also be interested to know that the Friends of the Sebastopol Fall Library sale is coming up on Sept. 12-15. Watch for details in Sonoma West Times & News. The proceeds from the book sale are used to assist the Sebastopol Library in providing more books, services and free programs for its patrons and the public.
See you there!
Sue Fujita
President, Friends of the Sebastopol Library
Confusing road striping
EDITOR: I know there was a tragic accident at the Bodega Ave./ Ragle Rd. crosswalk. I know it is a dangerous crosswalk and long overdue for a solution. I do not know that the solution along with the yet-to-be installed lights will necessarily solve the problem. I don’t understand the angle of the dangle and the striping seems like confusing overkill. I trust it was all engineered, but seeing the tire marks on the curbs after only a few weeks makes me think that a back-to-the-drawing-board moment might be in order.
Neil Davis
Food bank needs help
EDITOR: The Redwood Empire Food Bank has been responding to an increased need for food assistance as a result of the Mendocino Complex Fire. As of last week’s end, we distributed over 200,000 pounds of emergency provisions to Lake County. In order to sustain the food bank’s fire-relief efforts, alongside our regularly scheduled hunger-relief programs, financial donations and volunteer support are urgently needed. Visit refb.org to donate or volunteer.
Kevin West
Redwood Empire Food Bank

From the comments section

Regarding the Sebastopol police crosswalk sting story:
Okay, so I hear the officer in this story say a pedestrian has to get the drivers attention before stepping into a crosswalk, I think this is the crux of the downtown problem: many drivers do not acknowledge anyone is on the curb waiting to cross, they just zoom on by, the most striking crosswalk for this is at Petaluma Ave. and Depot Street. Most traffic on that intersection on Petaluma Ave. are speeding all day long. I have seen entire families wait on the curb in totally plain sight while 20 cars speed by pretending not to see them because they are in some kind of a hurry to get to the next crosswalk!
Gregory Odle
Regarding a Cannabis Country column on Sebastopol:
We have two young children who are now constantly being exposed to this promotion of drugs. What Litwin calls a “very regulated society” is really an attempt to impose safety standards. Alcohol and tobacco are regulated and so should pot be. And trying to sanitize it with the cannabis name just does not cut it for me. If you want to market a product, fine. But you are responsible to know what is in the product (including pesticides), and you are responsible for warning of known health hazards involved in the ordinary use of the product. What are you doing to live up to these obligations?
Richard Brody

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