Sonoma Ready Day — Sonoma County residents thronged the Sonoma County Fairgrounds in Santa Rosa on Sept. 8 for the Sonoma County Ready Day event and emergency preparedness kit giveaway provided by the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria.
Around 2,400 kits were given away to families and individuals and the event featured a slew of other events such as emergency vehicle displays, food trucks, kids activities and a speaker series in Finely Hall with local dignitaries Sonoma County Supervisor Shirlee Zane, State Sen. Mike McGuire, Graton Tribal Chairman Greg Sarris and more.
During her talk, Zane discussed how the event came together with the help of the Graton Rancheria, while Sarris discussed the importance of being prepared for a disaster by working together and supporting a healthier environment.
“We cannot deny that there are going to be more disasters and the interesting thing about disasters associated with climate is that they do not discriminate. They don’t care if you are red or white or black or white or brown, the sun and the environment is the great equalizer. It will remind us that we are all here together and the solution will only be us working together. So those of us in every way we can, large and small, must look for ways to create a healthy environment,” Sarris said.
McGuire noted how the phrase, “Sonoma County Strong” doesn’t just embody the feat of recovery from disaster, but also the effort in being prepared for the next one.
The speaker series also featured a talk on fire resiliency for farmers and how to maintain health and wellness during a disaster.
Photos Katherine Minkiewicz 

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