The Senior Center threw open its doors earlier this month, literally, following the completion of a long-awaited project to improve access both from Matheson Street and the parking lot behind the building. New fully automatic sliding doors at the front and rear entrance allow seniors of all ability levels to effortlessly enter and exit the Senior Center completely hands-free.
Other upgrades include removal of tiles at front door, replaced with concrete outside and walk-off carpet inside; removal of circular drain at the rear door and a replacement trench drain installed; addition of planters and paint refresh to rear entry; and a deep cleaning of the existing carpets, and resealing/waxing of the hard flooring.
The Senior Center is the city’s multi-purpose facility that offers many activities, programs and services to area residents of all ages, with priority given to those 55 years of age and older. It’s located at 133 Matheson St., open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday.Â