SCAC Meeting • Tuesday, April 24 • 2:30 p.m.
The Senior Citizens Advisory Commission will meet at Town of Windsor Council Chambers. Agenda items include a presentation by Sonoma County Council on Aging. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Bocce Ball-Ladies Group • Tuesday, May 1 • 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Join this fun-loving group of gals for bocce ball. The group meets every Tuesday from May through October (weather permitting) at the senior center bocce ball court. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothing. No fee.
Tai Chi • Tuesdays, May 15 through May 29 • 11 a.m. to noon • $18R/$23NR
Tai Chi emphasizes mental and physical ability, body alignment, circulation, and balance. Tai Chi is proven to positively impact the health of the heart, nerves and muscles, and the mind. You must pre-register for this three-week class online or at the senior center front desk.
Erin Stroud is the recreation program supervisor at the Windsor Senior Center, located at 9231 Foxwood Drive. You can contact her by calling 838-1250.

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