The Healdsburg animal shelter, run by the Humane Society of Sonoma County, would like to highlight a couple of the local shelter pets who’ve been “waiting patiently to find families to love.” Come meet Matcha and Dean—and other animals in need of homes—at 555 Westside Rd. between 9am and 5:30pm any day besides Sunday.

Matcha is a one-and-a-half-year-old Guinea pig who has lived with kids and other pets before. “Matcha is likely to be perfect for pretty much anybody,” the shelter says. He would be “a silly little companion to fill your days with squeaks and funny antics.”

Dean is a 6-year-old cat known for his “cool-guy demeanor” and love of basking in the sunshine. “Dean has quickly become a staff favorite here at the shelter due to his affectionate way of showing you you’re his friend,” shelter officials say. “He will smoosh his sweet little face on your legs to tell you he loves you.” They add that Dean has a “generous benefactor” who has offered to pay any medical bills for his first year post-adoption.