editor: In a recent newspaper article it was said that, “Goldman
Sachs has developed a tradable index of life settlements, enabling
investors to bet on whether people will live longer than expected
or die sooner than planned.”
We can just as easily securitize all the homeless school
children, after all, children are the best investment there is for
a civilized society.
Let’s take the ultimate step in creating exotically profitable
financial “products” – securitization of the 1 million homeless
school children in America. They can be packaged into different
talent asset classes, acquire a rating and risk assessment
parameters, while being layered into multiple bundles of 100,000.
The raised capital would then be used to truly “invest” in the
original sense of the word, in the finest schools, food, shelter,
clothing, wellness centers, cultural, research and development
activity, all in a clean safe environment.
The return on investment would increase as the talents and
destinies of each one were to become manifest in some new
technology, renewable energy breakthrough or cure for cancer, etc.
It could be worth a billion, no, a trillion dollars. Just think of
the additional savings implied by actualized homeless children not
incarcerated, intoxicated, or in ill health.
Come to think of it, some things are just priceless — like all
the children in the world and their potential as contributing
creative human beings if abundantly invested in.
The fortunate talents of many can carry the longer term slower
developing homeless school children and their friends. The returns
for shareholders could be enormous according to youth development
bank advocates at Silverman Sachs and their senior advisor,
14-year-old financial mathematics genius, Max Well.
As a fundamental principle of Associative Economics, we know
that capital, by itself, can never create new economic value for it
must be put into the path of an imaginative, innovative and
initiative taking human being. One with honed talents, capacities
and skills will be fruitful, while a deprived soul will wither
without a continuous stream of capital. The young entrepreneur will
be able to provide a means for meeting human needs in the world,
reciprocally. The so-called “markets” are desperate to find more
and more rarified methods of artificially preserving sterile
capital. The search for the most “economic” thing to do with the
large pools of excess capital in the world has led to the most
potentially deleterious derivative devised – securitization of life
insurance policies of the most infirmed seniors. Wall street banks
are trolling for the next new idea to make money. Let’s invest and
have a shared faith in the future – all the children.
Daniel Osmer

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