Despite canceling its July fireworks and music festival fundraisers this year, the Sebastopol Kiwanis Club has raised money to help fund grants for local students, teachers and school administrators.
In April, when a nonrefundable deposit was due for the show pyrotechnics, the club members had to make a big decision without the benefit of a crystal ball, Kiwanian Patti Stack said in a club press release.  
The club had a few things to ponder before making the decision to cancel its July event. Would things be safe enough to hold a fireworks show and festival? Would the virus be over? After many Zoom meetings weighing the pros and cons, the call was made and the event was canceled.
In its place, the club organized ā€œAuction for Education,ā€ an auction that involved reaching out to their annual sponsors and members of the community to donate money and auction items. 
ā€œThe response was overwhelming,ā€ said Stack, the eventā€™s coordinator.
The auction helped raise over $20,000 in funds for the club.
ā€œNow that the bookkeeping has been done, the funds are available to disburse to students, teachers and school administrators. The decision to include students won the clubā€™s approval after discussing the possible needs in the new ā€˜distance learningā€™  format,ā€ said the announcement from the club. 
The application can be found at the clubā€™s website:  Deadline for applications is Jan. 31, but the grants will be judged on a first come basis as the Sebastopol Kiwanis Club is aware that many needs are immediate.

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