At the next Sebastopol City Council meeting, scheduled for April 20, the council will be revisiting the possible location for an art piece created by Ned Kahn, reviewing the city’s annual Level of Service Report and discussing whether or not it wants to allow the mayor to send a letter on behalf of the council calling for the resignation of Windsor’s mayor. The meeting is being held virtually over Zoom, with open session beginning at 6 p.m. To view the full council agenda, click here.
 During its regular meeting, the council will consider the following items under the consent calendar:
●    Approval of minutes for the April 6 Sebastopol City Council meeting
●    Approval to establish new job classification of senior maintenance worker-sanitary sewer system operator and retitle and revise the job classification for water treatment plant operator-maintenance worker
●    Adoption of a resolution approving a proposed project list for SB 1 fund for 2021-22
●    Approval of notice of completion for manhole cover replacements
●    Approval to reopen applications for the city’s Climate Action Committee’s vacant positions and the addition of an alternate youth position
Prior to the regular agenda, the council will be receiving a presentation on housing law from its outside legal firm, Meyers Nave.
Reviewing Ned Kahn’s revised art proposal
The city council will be receiving a presentation on and discussing a new concept and site for a piece of public art by artist Ned Kahn. The council last discussed the future for Kahn’s piece during a Feb. 2 council meeting, at which the discussion was postponed until a different location for the piece could be located. During the Feb. 2 meeting, it was proposed to put Kahn’s piece, “Sebastopol Spire,” at the intersection of Morris and Johnson streets, but the city council wanted a spot for the piece that would be more visible.
During this week’s council meeting, the city council will discuss a new proposed site, located on city-owned property northwest of the Highway 12 bridge where the new trail connection from the community center an Americorp Trail will connect through Sebastopol Avenue.
“This site is the most similar to the original approved location (at the northeast of the Highway 12 Bridge) but is on city-owned property, and will not entail coordination with CalTrans, which proved to be a barrier to the original site. While this site will have a conservation easement with Sonoma County Ag +Open Space, they have indicated that this can be included in the final easement documents, which are currently being finalized,” states the council agenda item.
In a statement about the new proposed location, Khan said that of all sites considered for his sculpture in the last few years, this one is “by far the best.” He also proposed the installation of a series of benches that would allow passersby to sit and observe the sculpture as it interacts with the wind.
Level of Service Report
As part of the city’s Growth Management Ordinance, the council will be receiving a presentation about the city’s annual Level of Service Report. Per the council agenda, “The LOS Report includes information on the status of the General Plan and progress of its implementation, as well as the status of LOS standards for city services. It also provides an annual update on city park issues, as well as annual planning, fire and police department information.”
Requesting the resignation of Windsor Mayor Dominic Foppoli
Following a series of articles in the San Francisco Chronicle that revealed allegations of sexual assault involving Windsor Mayor Dominic Foppoli from six different women, the Sebastopol City Council will discuss authorizing the mayor to sign a letter to the town of Windsor calling food Foppoli’s resignation.
Most recently, Foppoli said that he would step back from his position as mayor while an investigation into the alleged assaults takes place, but he refused to resign from the position.

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