The Sebastopol City Council is facing a small agenda this week, with half of its public hearing items pushed back to a later date. What remains during the council’s June 1 meeting is a public hearing on the annual assessment of the city’s Lighting Special Assessment District, a public hearing on weed abatement, approval of a letter of support for AB 965 and giving direction on which mayor to appoint to the 2021 City Selection Committee and Sonoma County Mayors and Councilmembers Association, following the resignation of Cloverdale’s mayor.
Before approving its consent calendar and getting started with regular business, the city council will be proclaiming the first Friday in June as National Gun Violence Awareness Day and June as LGBTQ+ Awareness Month.
Additionally, the council is asked to approve the following consent calendar items:
●    Approval of the council meeting minutes for May 4, 18 and 19
●    Approval of amendment to composition of city of Sebastopol Zero Waste Committee
●    Approval and receipt of vacancy on the Public Arts Committee due to resignation of Warren Arnold
●    Consideration of adoption of resolution authorizing the submittal of FY 2021-22 Community Development Block Grant application for the City Hall ADA upgrades project
Public Hearings
Continued to June 15
While the council was originally slated to hold four public hearings during its June 1 meeting, two were continued to June 15. Now, a public hearing on the city’s 2021-22 budget as well as a public hearing on the Capital Improvement Plan budget are both slated for discussion June 15.
On June 1, however, the council will hold a public hearing on its annual Lighting Special Assessment District assessments for the 2021-22 year. The assessment district was created in 1981 and is devoted to helping cover costs associated with the citywide streetlight system.
According to the council agenda, “The proposed fiscal year 2021-22 assessment is $25 per ESD Equivalent Single-family dwelling unit, which is a decrease of $6 from prior the fiscal year assessment rate of $31.”
Weed abatement
As part of its yearly weed abatement efforts, the council is holding a public hearing to provide property owners a means of protesting the removal of excess weeds from their property. The resolution that was passed by the council on May 18 allows the city to identify properties where excess weeds pose a fire risk.
According to the council agenda packet, 33 parcels have been identified as needing weed abatement.
As part of its regular meeting, the council will be discussing and possibly authorizing the mayor to send a letter of support to Assemblymember Marc Levine supporting AB 965. According to the agenda item, the bill would require the California Department of Housing and Community Development and the California Building Standards Commission to research, develop and propose building standards regarding the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure for parking spaces for existing multifamily developments and nonresidential development.
Lastly, the council will discuss and give direction on its designated representatives for a variety of boards and committees, such as the Golden Gate Transportation District, the Local Agency Formation Commission and others.
 To view information about the June 1, 6 p.m. meeting of the Sebastopol City Council, go here-,-2021

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