Flavors From the School Garden, to be held Sunday, Oct. 2 at
Sonoma Country Day School is a uniquely Sonoma County event where
school kids will pair with wine country chefs to prepare special
dishes all using the ingredients from the schools’ community
gardens. The event is a benefit for the school garden project
coordinated by the Occidental Arts & Ecology Center. Tickets
are $60 and can be reserved or purchased by calling 874-1557, ext.
233. Cooks and growers will include Healdsburg’s Ron Love, Wayne
and Evie Jayne (Tierra Farms), Duskie Estes and John Stewart
(Zazu), Gerald Gass (McEvoy Olive Ranch) and many others. There
will also be a student art auction and musical performances.
Now Speaking
Deepak Chopra, mind and body guru, kicks off a most-ambitious
reader and talk series at Luther Burbank Performing Arts Center on
Saturday, Oct. 9. The series is co-sponsored by Copperfield’s Books
and future writer/presenters will include Suze Orman (Jan. 14,
2006), Anne LaMott with Mary Chapin Carpenter (Mar. 29) and
Alexander McCall Smith, of “The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency”
fame (April 21.)
Word Box
“Earth is here so kind, that just tickle her with a hoe and she
laughs with a harvest.” – Douglas Jerrold (1803-1877)
“The spirit of wine sang in my glass, and I listened with love
to his odorous music, his flushed and magnificent song.” – William
E. Henley (1849 -1903)
Got Words?
Send your Word Box submissions to:
“Word Box” P.O. Box 521, Sebastopol, CA. 95473 or P.O. Box 518,
Healdsburg, CA 95448
or email: ba***@so********.com
Discoveries and Do Dates welcomes your
and submission of local items. Send your items two weeks prior
to the intended date of publication. Include name, phone contact
and any photographs. (Sorry, photos cannot be returned.)
Mail to: Do Dates, P.O. Box 521, Sebastopol, CA 95473; Fax:
823-7508; E-Mail: dodates @sonomawest.com