Board will hear from campus groups on plays for next
school year

by NATHAN WRIGHT, Staff Writer
The Windsor School Board and the site councils for each
individual Windsor school are planning on getting together on June
3 to discuss the upcoming school year.
“They’ll be discussing three things at the joint meeting,” said
WUSD Superintendent Robert Carter. First, each of the site councils
will report to the school board with their school action plans for
2003-2004. Second, the school board will solicit the site councils
on areas the board should focus on in the upcoming school year.
Third, the group will discuss Future Search, an upcoming workshop
that will allow the community to focus on needs and ways to address
those needs.
The meeting will be held at Brooks Elementary, and is scheduled
to begin at 5 p.m.
The joint meeting comes two weeks after the last board meeting,
where the board acted on 10 action items, discussed transportation
and goals for 2003-2004, watched presentations by the Windsor
Middle School Odyssey of the Mind team and the Windsor High School
Academic Decathlon team, and viewed updates to the climbing wall
project, district facility projects, and a report on the
preliminary 2003-2004 adopted budget.
Among the action items approved by the board was Windsor’s Local
Education Plan, which is required by the federal government under
the No Child Left Behind legislation for the district to receive
federal funding. “If you’re going to receive federal money, you
need to meet certain regulations,” said Carter. “A lot of the
things they require in the plan we already had in place or were
going to have in place. It’s not like we had to start at ground
The board also accepted a resolution that decreased developer
fees, a process that is based on area growth. “It’s a formula based
on your growth,” said Carter. The action turned out to be what the
administration referred to as only “housekeeping,” reducing the
$2.27 per square foot to new developments by one cent.
The board also voted to accept a bid to repair the roof of
Windsor Creek’s multi-purpose room, and to advertise for bids for
the new Windsor High School Gymnasium and Agricultural Center
project. The board also stressed that funding for these projects
were not coming from grants, not the general fund that is believed
to be the target of $1.5 million worth of cuts next year. The
district is planning on posting notices next to all school
construction projects explaining to the public the source of

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