52.3 F
December 31, 2024

Write a ‘Letter’ to the Tribune

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Snapshot: Only the Finest for Healdsburg

Think that Veuve Clicquot is co-branding port-a-potties? Who in the world thinks up a promotion scheme like that? Seriously, what is the messaging? A prankster relabeled a porta-potty on Healdsburg streets.

Flashbacks from Healdsburg, Feb. 22

As of 75 years ago, after raising over 25 percent of the $20,000 goal for ball park lights, the drive of the Healdsburg Community Recreation Lighting Committee was well under way.

Letters to the Editor, Feb. 22

"Following the informal community meeting with Vertice Hospitality (SingleThread) at the film center on Feb. 7. concerning the group’s proposed uses for the former Raven Film Center and 150 North St., I wanted to express a few thoughts...."

The Longest Short Month of the Year at the Library

Happy February from the staff at the Healdsburg Library. We are enjoying high foot traffic inside the library so far in 2024. More people came to the library in January than any month since the start of the pandemic. In addition to the various events...

Letters to the Editor, Feb. 8

Parklets vs. Parking Why are the parklets still taking up 49 public parking spaces in downtown Healdsburg? The Covid Emergency is over. I drove through the Plaza today. The parklets look like hammered dung. And there was no parking for me. Has the City...

Snapshot: Blow That Horn

Perhaps the most famous trumpeter of the 20th century, Louis Armstrong was a force of nature on the music scene from the 1920s through 1971, when he passed away from a heart attack. Born in 1901, his New Orleans neighborhood, “the Battleground,” was a tough...

Flashbacks from Healdsburg, Feb. 8

100 years ago – Feb. 7, 1924 January Report of School Nurse During January Mrs. Alice Howard paid 34 visits to 14 schools in this section, according to her monthly report as Healdsburg Red Cross nurse. She inspected 253 children during the month, recommending 62 teeth...

Snapshot: Two Rockies, One Range

Although lumped together as the “Rockies,” the Canadian and American Rockies are quite different, reports Pierre Ratte.

Snapshot: 40 Days, 40 Nights

The Sierra Nevada is experiencing a record amount of rainfall and snowfall, but the season's total snow so far being 87 inches pleas when compared to last year’s seasonal total of 687 inches.