49.1 F
November 24, 2024

Letters to the Editor, Oct. 24

"I am an affordable housing advocate, but Measure O and its aftermath are riddled with issues. I see it as a huge, uncertain affordability experiment, not a plan..." So writes a long-time Healdsburg resident about the city's plan to create an exclusion zone from the Growth Management Ordinance...

Our nation’s capital

By the quirk of this season’s holiday calendar, we recently made a visit to Washington, D.C., our nation’s capital, while visiting family and friends in nearby Maryland. The visit offered us a chance to affirm that our Republic, in all its manifestations of power, laws and democratic institutions was still standing in upright position and not collapsing under the weight of the current impeachment turmoil. After listening for a week as our highest elected officials ranted, raved and foamed at their mouths during the Congressional hearings, we half expected to see the U.S. Capitol’s dome smoldering in black smoke.

Flashbacks: A look back at local history

The following snippets of history are drawn from the pages of the Healdsburg Tribune, the Healdsburg Enterprise and the Sotoyome Scimitar, and are prepared by the volunteers at the Healdsburg Museum & Historical Society. Admission is always free at the museum, open Wednesday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Commentary: Affordability complexities

Last Wednesday, the Windsor Town Council on a 4-1 vote accepted $2 million in affordable housing monies from developer Bob Bisno in return for withdrawing the condition that he provide 77 apartment units with rents limited to median income tenants for a 10-year period.

Community Corner

Presents Project 2013 Adopt-a Family benefits local families in need. Groups, businesses, employee groups, and individuals can adopt-a family by purchasing gifts for each family member based on his or her age and holiday wish list. Presents Project connects you with a family or you can contribute cash to the Presents Project to help them reach every family in need. Call Beth DeCoss at 433-2721 or email her at [email protected] to get more information and to help.

Let’s Book It

Are you ready to start the New Year with some game changers? The library has terrific suggestions that will take you and yours up a notch.

Op-Ed: How the Brown Act Preserves Transparency

In a democracy, the government serves the people; the people do not serve the government. Because there is no accountability without transparency, the California Constitution guarantees that “the meetings of public bodies” shall be “open to public scrutiny.” The Brown Act, California’s open meetings law...

Farmers’ market musings

Mary Kelley

Letter to the Editor 8-11-16

Marijuana in the mainstream

Letters to the Editor 2-18-16

Open letter to Rollie