Flashbacks Healdsburg
100 years ago – July 19, 1923
Ball Fans ‘Kick’ Against Aviators
Many complaints have been made by spectators attending the baseball games against the airplanes which, almost every Sunday, do flying tricks over the crowded grandstand and bleachers.
During the Napa game a plane swooped down...
Summer in Full Swing at the Library
It’s the middle of summer, and every day is a whirlwind of activity at the Healdsburg Regional Library. We enjoy seeing our local families take advantage of the free lunch program every weekday from noon to 12:30pm.
We have hosted extremely popular programs for families,...
Snapshot: Signs of Summer
Summer is officially here. Astrological summer occurs on the solstice, the longest day of the year, which was June 21, though it varies from year to year. For instance, the summer solstice is June 20 in 2024, and June 21 in 2025. Meteorological summer,...
Flashbacks Healdsburg
100 years ago – July 5, 1923
Organization of Kiwanis Club Is Completed Here
About fifty business and professional men of Healdsburg attended a luncheon at the Plaza hotel today, when organization of the Healdsburg local of the Kiwanis Club was completed. The meeting was the...
Letters to the Editor, June 29
A Ruse by Another Name?
Some things are not for sale.
Full-time residents of Healdsburg can see the “unapproved” and not “permitted” 330 Center St. ultra-luxury $12 million condos listed on MLS ( a site FOR real estate brokers) for what it really is!
We know this...
Flashbacks from Healdsburg
Curated news from the 'Healdsburg Tribune' of years gone by, compiled by the Healdsburg Museum and Historical Society. This week: The Geysers Stage, the National Guard comes to town and summer tubing on the Russian River.
Class of 2023 Begins Its Journey
It was late 2011 when my son, Sammy, completed one of his first school projects. The students were asked to draw a life-size version of what they imagined themselves to look like when they grew up.
The gym was adorned with depictions of doctors, police...
100 years ago – June 7, 1923
Old Stream Bed Found Under City
A subterranean river which flows through the heart of Healdsburg’s business district has been discovered through improvement work going on at the First National Bank. The old stream bed was reached during excavation...
Summer Programs for All Ages
Our community’s slow-but-sure recovery during the pandemic has been fascinating to witness in the library. At the start of the pandemic, our in-person numbers cratered while use of eBooks and eAudiobooks skyrocketed.
During the last three years, those in-person numbers have risen month by month....
A Tale of Two Parades
It’s Memorial Day weekend, the kick-off to summer in Healdsburg with the Future Farmers of America Twilight Parade featured in pictures with a strutting majorette leading a band and a dog co-piloting an 18-wheeler. The band followed vintage cars occupied by Brad Petersen, President...