88.3 F
September 27, 2024

Open Space: Self-defeating Tactics

The ³search and destroy² mission was a frequently employed

LETTER: Holiday happiness

Editor: On Sunday, Dec. 22 the Windsor Kiwanis Club joined

LETTER: A letter from home

This letter was sent to Ryan Alves, a Healdsburg youth who is

LETTER: Awesome production

Editor: Bravo, Windsor High School Jaguar

Letters to the Editor: Dec. 22, 2020

Editor's note: This letter was written to Santa on Dec. 16, 2019 and was sent in to the Reveille. The writer, Cooper, wrote it at nine years old when he was in third grade.

MAIN STREET: Election update

The filing date for local elections is coming up fast. August 11

Letters to the Editor, Jan. 9, 2020

Palm Drive dissolution

Letter: Not that concerned

Editor: Over two weeks ago I left my garage without knowing that

Letters to the Editor, Sept. 12

Several letters were received these past two weeks about Measure O, the city's proposal on the Nov. 5 ballot to amend the Growth Management Ordinance, or GMO...

Letters to the Editor, May 23

Our readers ask things like, "Why is the City Council in the arts and culture business? I’m glad the City Council members got a raise, but why does Healdsburg even need a City Council? Wouldn’t a city manager be enough? Perhaps the best news from the meeting is how few people were there trying to get more money from the city taxpayers for their special projects...."