Letters to the Editor, April 4
Dear Editor:
I am deeply concerned about the continued high turnover rate of the Healdsburg High School administration. From 2016 until now, only one principal has lasted longer than two years. What seems to be the problem?
If they are being terminated, why do unqualified candidates...
Letters to the Editor, June 29
A Ruse by Another Name?
Some things are not for sale.
Full-time residents of Healdsburg can see the “unapproved” and not “permitted” 330 Center St. ultra-luxury $12 million condos listed on MLS ( a site FOR real estate brokers) for what it really is!
We know this...
Letters, Dec. 14
Bridge Lighting Policy
At the December 4th city council meeting I requested city council to revisit resolution 68-2023 and abort the bridge lighting project, returning it to its natural state for the following reasons. ('Healdsburg Chooses the Color of Peace,' Oct. 26)
Lighting the bridge was...
Letters to the Editor, Aug. 4
HEALDSBURG TRIBUNE Readers weight in on local developments, from the Raven Film Center to the Roundabout. Add your voice by sending email to [email protected].
Letters, Sept. 14
Beekeepers (Aug. 31)
Excellent article; local journalism at its best! Thank you for covering this important topic. It is so encouraging to see the Board of Supervisors re-examine an issue and act on their deeper understanding!
Very grateful for this decision. Glad the voices of...
Letters to the Editor, March 7
People are still talking about that Vertice meeting on Feb. 7 - and what it means for the future of a livable downtown. All this and more in Letters from our readers.
Local Dog Hounds Fame From Newspaper
Dear Editor:
Since you kindly published my letter and that big, sexy photograph of my three-legged, bad self, a number of Healdsburgians have recognized me around town—an athletic woman on the Fitch Mountain trail, a handsome gent in Safeway check-out line, a homeless guy in...
Letters, Aug. 24
Fitch Mountain Projects
“The Healdsburg City Council allocated $2.77 million for the public access improvements in the 2022-23 budget.” (“Fitch Mountain Projects Underway,” Aug. 17.) So the City Council is spending almost $3 million for trail improvements on Fitch Mountain. What about fire prevention?
Last time...