42.8 F
January 30, 2025

Flashbacks from Healdsburg

100 years ago: Aug. 30, 1923Heat Wave Ends as Storm Breaks A break of almost 20 degrees in the temperature marked the transition of the weather from hot wave to storm conditions. After several days of excessive warmth, with marks of 100 degrees recorded on...

Snapshot: Resting Up for a Life of Service

These fellas are resting now, but they have much work ahead of them. The pupsters shown here and their nine other siblings will be working dogs. They are part of a litter for Canine Companions for Independence.  This organization raises and trains dogs to help...

Flashbacks from Healdsburg

100 years ago Aug. 16, 1923 Locals Victors in Wild Game of Baseball In a game loosely played throughout, yet interesting because of the uncertainty of the final result, the Prune Packers on Sunday got back into the winning brackets after dropping two games in a row....

Snapshot: Pickleball Party

Folks are lining up to play pickleball in Healdsburg. There’s a paddle rack and new courts at Healdsburg High School. The bright green and blue colors perk up the tennis facility, now the Pickleball/Tennis facility. Scheduled play and available courts in Healdsburg, both public and...

Library’s New ‘BiblioBox’ Debuts

The Healdsburg Regional Library staff is recovering from our very busy summer reading programs this month, recharging and preparing for Back to School activities, as are many of you. This month, I’ll focus on reminding you about ongoing programs and services that you may...

Snapshot: Fireside Camping in America

The joys of camping are many. Open space. Fresh air. Preparing food outdoors. Sitting around a campfire. Falling asleep to peaceful sounds of birds and wildlife, feeling a gentle breeze at night, gazing up at the heavens’ stars on full display. If lucky, light pollution...

Snapshot: Rolling Down the River

Russian River water temperatures are about 70 degrees Fahrenheit now, much cooler than recent air temperatures trending above 100 degrees.

Flashbacks Healdsburg

100 years ago – July 19, 1923 Ball Fans ‘Kick’ Against Aviators Many complaints have been made by spectators attending the baseball games against the airplanes which, almost every Sunday, do flying tricks over the crowded grandstand and bleachers. During the Napa game a plane swooped down...

Summer in Full Swing at the Library

It’s the middle of summer, and every day is a whirlwind of activity at the Healdsburg Regional Library. We enjoy seeing our local families take advantage of the free lunch program every weekday from noon to 12:30pm.  We have hosted extremely popular programs for families,...

Snapshot: Signs of Summer

Summer is officially here. Astrological summer occurs on the solstice, the longest day of the year, which was June 21, though it varies from year to year. For instance, the summer solstice is June 20 in 2024, and June 21 in 2025. Meteorological summer,...