88.3 F
September 27, 2024

Future hopes and headaches

Welcome to the new year of 2016. We’re sure it will be as full of news as all the recent years have been, if not more so. This new year will include a pivotal national election and many continuing discussions over local land use, winery expansions, housing costs, local health care changes, county supervisorial and city hall elections and more.

Off the Top of My Head: Customer service used to mean a ‘customer’ got ‘service’

Having lived a few years sometimes seems to confuse my thinking. I get confused between what I grew up with and what I live with today — for example, customer service. When I was young, customer service meant someone would be trying to help me, the “customer,” with some “service.”  Often, businesses were rated on their customer service. 


A survey of our nation’s newspapers in the aftermath of the Parkland, Florida school shooting massacre last week found a resounding unified message from editorial pages of all sizes, locales and political persuasions across our country.

Cannabis Country: The future is here and now

Here, in a nutshell, is 2018. The cultivation of cannabis and the manufacture of cannabis products will become legal, but only for those with permits from local government and licenses from Sacramento.

Commentary 8-4-16

Out of the cannabis closet

General Plan Update

Editor: Last Wednesday night the Windsor Council decided on the 2040 General Plan Preferred Alternative.  Where did the process go wrong? Or did it?

Silver Linings

Drop-in Computer Help • Monday, April 24 • 2-4 p.m.

Commentary: Hugs

When I sit down to write my column, I draw on experiences in my life and hope they connect with you as a reader. I describe my writings as Erma Bombeck-like, a humor/slice-of-life commentary (and then have to explain who Erma Bombeck was to anyone younger than myself), but I hope you have felt that I am honest and as open as privacy allows.

From the Library

This winter, the library is teeming with activity as always. In addition to our regularly scheduled programming, we are also offering a few new fun and creative opportunities for our beloved community.

Main Street: Responsibilities

The United States of America is a land of immigrants. In addition to those who we commonly perceive as an immigrant — someone who was born in another country — anyone whose ancestors came from Asia, Europe, South America, the Middle East, Africa (if you go back far enough, that includes all of us), or elsewhere, is the descendant of an immigrant.