88.3 F
September 27, 2024

Flashbacks from Healdsburg

100 years ago:Dec. 27, 1923 To Ban Rowdies at Alexander Valley Hall Residents of Alexander Valley are up in arms as the result of a gang fight in the community hall Saturday night, and will take sharp measures to prevent any recurrence of such an affair...

Cityscape: From the city manager

At the Aug, 20 Healdsburg City Council meeting, the council tackled the question of how many hotel rooms should be allowed around the Plaza within the Plaza Retail District, how many hotel rooms should be allowed in the Downtown Commercial District and whether the city should require all new hotels to provide affordable housing as part of any new project.


Jan Mettler was the Farmers' Market's Community Representative a

Market has plenty to love for townies, tourists

I’ve been remiss in writing the market column, and I apologize.

idlewood 3…

It's not quite pumpkin season ... but almost. In the meantime,

E Pluribus Unum

To make America great again, as Mr. Trump keeps promising, shouldn’t we start in our own communities? We realize that all of America’s communities are unique and have different notions of what greatness means. But isn’t there a very definitive set of values and pursuits that fit under the banner of “We, the people?” Isn’t it a belief in freedoms, rights and responsibilities that unites the alt-liberals of northern California (most of us) with the poor working class of coal country West Virginia?

A journalist’s toolbox

It’s the job of all journalists to tell the truth. Some of us are better at this than others. And, sadly, there are many people today who claim to be journalists and are not. Worse, way too many people mistake people they see on TV or in their Facebook feed as real journalists. All of this is making the job of professional journalists tougher and tougher by the day. The way you can tell who is a real journalist and who isn’t can be found in the tools, methods and sources they use to uncover the news, check the facts and report with total fairness.

Humanity First: Old Timers’ Day every day

As the Major League Baseball playoffs get into full swing this week, some of our town’s finest baseball players are taking their own talents to a diamond here at home — in the name of fitness and fun.

This is hard work

Lots of us face the economic reality of “too much week, not enough money.” Here at the newspaper it’s more like, “too much news and not enough newspaper.”

Off the Top of My Head: Customer service used to mean a ‘customer’ got ‘service’

Having lived a few years sometimes seems to confuse my thinking. I get confused between what I grew up with and what I live with today — for example, customer service. When I was young, customer service meant someone would be trying to help me, the “customer,” with some “service.”  Often, businesses were rated on their customer service. 