88.3 F
September 27, 2024

Back in the Old Times – Windsor history

The following snippets of history are compiled by volunteers of the Windsor Museum & Historical Society. The museum is open, free to the public, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and by appointment. The museum is located in the historic Hembree House at 9225 Foxwood Drive. Learn more about Windsor history at windsorhistory.org.

Decoding Teenagers: Mother’s Day

Happy belated Mother’s Day to all you moms out there. I hope your day was filled with love and laughter. It’s truly a day to admire your children and be proud of all the work you do on a daily basis. As moms we wear many hats. My hats range from nurse, to psychologist, chef, confidant and personal assistant to name a few. Children, especially teenagers, don’t really understand all that motherhood entails. As you know, it’s the hardest job in the world. On Sunday, I officially took the day off.

Commentary: Protect National Marine Sanctuaries

The Trump administration’s recent decision to “review” the protected status of our local marine sanctuaries is a troubling and vicious attack on the Sonoma, Marin and Mendocino coast, which supports an incredible diversity of marine life, tourism, fishing and research.

C stands for Cancer. C stands for Community.

We all know that healthcare and health insurance costs are wildly unaffordable. What happens when one of our own, who has some means but is not “poor enough” to be given charitable care, has to find a way to survive a cancer diagnosis? Can our community itself devise a way to help this person and others in the future?

A technology tantrum

How many monkeys does it take to replace a light bulb? The answer is none; monkeys don’t use light bulbs.

Back in the Old Times

These news items are gathered from previous issues of the Windsor Times by volunteers of the Windsor Museum and Historical Society

Healdsburg Flashbacks for Jan. 24, 2019

100 years ago – January 16, 1919

Commentary: More to the story

As residents who are being profoundly impacted by one of the corporations profiled in the lead article in last week’s “Cannabis in Sonoma County” special report, we would like to take this opportunity to share additional information and insights with your readers.

Around Town

The holiday season is in full swing, which can be a mixed bag because all that holiday cheer costs time and money that most of us don’t have, but even the Scroogiest person has to admit, there’s something magical about it all coming together.

Humane Society of Sonoma Co. Healdsburg Activity Log, July 22-29, 2018

Looking for a lost pet or a new four-legged friend? See the list of incoming strays and the slideshow of cats and dogs available for adoption from the Sonoma Humane Society, Healdsburg Center.